Monday, August 10, 2009

The Leaning Tower of Sage

Yeah, Sage is getting bigger and is able to do most things now like go for a jog, hike up mountains and sit without falling......

Wait a minute! Sage, you can sit without falling over?

"No problem, Dad. Come on! That is EASY!
Any 5 week old lump could do THAT! I am 6 - count 'em - 6 weeks old!

First Try:

Second Try:

Sage, are you SURE you can do this?

"Hey! Cool it, there was an earthquake just then, didn't you feel it?
I swear it! Ok, Lemme try again.

Third Try:

Well, don't worry son, sitting (without falling) is quite difficult to master....

"Sigh.....I hate it when Dad & Mom take videos of me....."

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