Sunday, August 02, 2009


Yes, that's right.

This is a NON SAGE related blog entry. For all those of you who don't care at all about Jeff or Jo (now that Sage is here), please skip this boring, lame, idiotic and terrible blog post.

Ah, but if you do care about poor Jeff and Jo, whose recent life has been eclipsed by another, then read on.

This Eclipse's name is Sage....

First off, some great news: While we are not technically out of debt (we still have loans to relatives to pay back and our house mortgage), I am officially out of credit card debt!

Whoo Hoo! I thank Jo for keeping me on the right path, which basically consisted of her mugging me each time money came in from my classes and not letting me touch it each month. I ended up with a few stitches and had to resort to begging on the street a few times for scraps of bread, but it all worked out! Now I am home free and out of that (terrible) debt. As a way to celebrate, I plan to take Jo out to a really nice restaurant....oh, wait....

Secondly, we are toying with the idea of heading back to the States to live at some point in the future. This is a touchy subject since there are many logistical issues that we have to deal with, but we are in the 'feasability planning' stage now and are not only looking at houses to buy, but also jobs to work at.

And to make the job sesarch go smoother, I have finally started to become 'official' in the eyes of many employers since I have just started on a 200 hour TESOL (Teaching English to Students of Other Languages) course - that should - theoretically increase my chances of employment in the States (if I still want to work as an English teacher, something I am debating as well).

So those two things are great. Being out of debt makes it easier to start saving for things we like, and becoming official in my profession (after 15 years of not - but in Taiwan, does not matter anyway), is a relief.

So, there you go. A blog post totally unrelated to The One We Shall Not Mention!

Now, if you will excuse me, I have to go outside to start begging again - I am hungry.

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