Saturday, August 08, 2009

Happy Ba Ba Day!

"Ba Ba" (Father in Chinese)

It is Father's Day here in Taiwan (and I assume China as well), since today is the 8th day of the 8th month and 8 in Chinese is pronounced: "ba." That, and the habit of calling famous dates only by their month and date (like 9/11) makes this day: Ba Ba day, which translates nicely into Father's Day as well.

"Ba Yue" (Means August - The Eighth Month)

So, I am excited to have my first official Chinese Father's Day!

For a surprise, Sage and Mom got me some pizza (which is now relegated to a 3-4 times a year event, sigh....), and we went to B & Q to get some DIY stuff for the bathrooms. Plus, we got a new drill, which makes it even more like being an official dad....sigh....haha.

So, now I am an official Dad. Well, I already have been for awhile, but now I can get some goodies out of it, as well. Whoo hoo!

Now, if you will excuse me, I need to teach Sage many things that fathers know, like how to make a chair, how to fly an airplane, how to walk a dog, how to eat tons of pizza and not get fat (until you are over 30), how to play computer games, and most importantly, how to......


Have a great day!

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