Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Conversation With Sage

It was time for Sage and I to have our weekly inspirational and goal planning chat, so I plopped him in my leg nook and got underway.

So, Sage you know what time it is, right?

Oh, right.....lemme guess.....NOT feeding time? Sigh.....

Well, no, it is time for our weekly chat....

Oh lord! Didn't we just do one of these?

As a matter of fact, this is the first one. I would like to talk about your
sleeping. It seems to Mom and I that getting more sleep is better for you overall.
Therefore we would like you to sleep more, ok?
Sage? Are you listening?

Hmm? Oh yeah, yeah....something about sleep....Hey, where is mom?

I am not sure. So, for example, a few nights ago, you only slept for 2 hours and
cried for more milk, but then when Mom gave it to you, you fell asleep within
2 minutes, and then cried again and did not sleep for about 4 hours.

WHA? I NEVER did that! Lies! All of it! Your watch must be broken! I was konked out for at least 20 hours!

I am not sure about that. Anyway, the point is that Mom and I need our sleep too and we hope that you can sleep a little bit longer. That may mean that we let you cry for a little bit to tire you out...


Dad, hold on a minute. Lemme ask you a simple question:
Do you love me?

Sage, that is ridiculous. Of course I love you - very much!

Oh Reeeeaaaaallllyyyy?

Ha! Then you can stand a little noise from such a cute baby -
that YOU and MOM made - because you love me so much. Right?

Well, the point is, we DO stand a lot of it and care for you. But if you keep staying up and crying for more milk while Mom and I are trying to sleep at night, we might just put you out in the foyer with Mocha. I am sure he will take care of you.....

Wha? You wouldn't dare.....


And, as a good ending to this story, Sage is now sleeping 5-6 hours a night!

Good ol' Weekly Conversations and Goal Planning Chats!

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