Sunday, January 21, 2007

Quick Recap!


It has been awhile since I have had the time, energy or inclination to post, so for that I apologize (to the 3 people that look at this blog....).

Let's do a Quick Recap:
  • Jo & I learned we had to move out of our apartment on Qing Hai Rd on December 15th by the bank. They also told us that we had 15 days to move (well - 16 since Dec 31st was the last day). This was due to our idiot landlord taking our money and not paying the bank.
  • Jo & I also learned at around Xmas that her visa to the States would be processed late since we had to provide more information that I was not - in fact - bringing her to there just for a green card. This prompted us to postpone the US wedding that was supposed to take place in mid Feb.
  • Then, after the Xmas rush - for me mostly, since it is not really a big holiday here - we just casually wanted to check with our Taiwan's reception place to make sure everything was in order....and we found out that it was not. They basically ignored or forgot our contract and decided to go ahead with largescale remodeling.
I made jokes later that almost all of our plans had changed, except actually marrying Jo! Well, that IS the most important thing anyway, right?

And, throughout all of this, Jo gave me a lot of good energy basically saying that my worrying was meaningless since she is damn lucky and we would find other even better things.

By Golly, we did!

Our apartment turned out to be very nice, going to the States ideally in late May will be much better, and the reception place we found (on a moments notice) turned out to be much nicer and have much better food than the original.

Before I just thought that Jo was blabbing when she talked about being lucky, but now I know it is true. Hey - Wait! - she is marrying me - Damn! She IS lucky!

Anyway, we have been busy lately, but we have also been having fun within the madness.

That is the trick to a happy life, I believe and I am so happy to share it with Jo.....

In the days to come, I will try to update past adventures and attempt to get caught up so I can post some pics of the wedding reception here at least a few days after the event! Well....we shall see....


Jeff & Jo

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