Monday, January 22, 2007

The Move! (Before)

Well, we are set for the time being in our new apartment.

After a semi-frantic search the week after we found out we had to move out of our old apartment, we found 2 apartments that we kind-a liked. Jo and I were hemming and hawing about which one was better (one was quite big, but had no furniture, and the other was very big, but old and had weird furniture), when we found another series of apartments online. We went through them pretty quickly since we did not like them, and we (ok, I) was getting frustrated. It was a Friday and we decided that we wanted to make a decision THAT day.

So it was a choice of one of those two previous places.

However, the agent we saw mentioned off the cuff that there was another one that we may like and when we arrived at the building, I felt disappointed since the building did not exude - the "coolness" factor that I was getting used to in my old Qing Hai apartment.

Anyway, we went up and saw the flat.

It turned out to be the one we are in now. Right when we walked in, both Jo and I had a really good impression and we were impressed that such a nice flat was here. It is definately big enough for us (4 b
edrooms / 2 bath with a large living room) and the furniture was not cheap looking and the entire place was PDG (Pretty Damn Good).

So we decided pretty much on the spot and discussed with the landlord about the price (something that Jo is invaluable at) and came to an agreement.

Now all we had to do was move (my damn stuff).

Jo is chuckling now I am sure remembering I mentioned that I "did not have that much stuff." Well, OK I ADMIT IT!

I have WAY too much stuff for even a closet case Pack Rat.....

Drawn by patmckenzie

Yes, we had to move a lot of stuff - all of it worthwhile and valuable - by the way! But after the 700th box, I did have a teeny thought that I could prolly throw or give away some stuff.

Thus, on Dec 30th and Dec 31st, we spent our New Year's Eve celebrations huffing and puffing up loads of boxed junk to our new pad.

A very big THANK YOU to Jo's friend, Peter, who helped us move all of our (my) junk in his large van (he had a date with his girlfriend that night - of course - but did not leave until we were all set - thanx again! - and Jo and I hope your New Year started of well.....haha).

Anyway, here is what our apartment looked like before and after the move.....


This is the view upon entering our flat - our Living Room.....

This is our maid that we hired.....Oh Sorry! It is our Living Room (can you see the Lil Huskies hiding there?) And yes, that is a FAKE smile since she is tired of nagging me for bringing so much stuff.....although that ugly pink closet is hers....hmmmm.

Another view of our Living Room, standing in our Dining Room

Another Living Room View, this time looking at our front door.

Yet more Living Room clutter....

Here is our Dining Room as we saw it that day....with the tiny table....

And here is our Kitchen, which you can see from the Dining Room

Our Master Bedroom

(Future) Computer Room

(Future) Computer Room with books....(so many! Sigh...)

Guest Room

Another shot of the Guest Room

Storage Room (or as we 'joke': the Baby Room!....). And NO, that hair dryer is not ours; it was the previous if we did not have enough junk!

Self of our bathrooms...

Here are some of my plants that made the hectic journey (only 1 died....)

One the things that is nice is the view here. We can see the mountains on clear days and have a good view of the city, plus we are within just 2 blocks of a nice walking park and Greenway.

All in all, pretty good.

Now the REAL work begins - to make this pile of junk look nice!

Wish us luck!

Jeff & Jo

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