Sunday, January 21, 2007

Playing Catch-Up - Xmas Morning with Jeff, Jo and the Lil Huskies!

Merry Xmas!

Well, it WAS a merry Xmas a month ago, even though both Jo and I knew we had to move out in a few days. But that did not dampen the spirit that much and we had a great time.

I DID have to explain to Jo that Xmas is my favorite holiday and very important to me, since in Taiwan - even though everyone knows and likes Xmas - many Taiwanese regard it as a Western Invention (it is) and just know the fringes of the holiday like Santa and Xmas tree and all that, but do not really give presents since Chinese New Year is just around the corner and THAT is much more important to Taiwanese than Xmas.

Plus since families give out Hong Bao's (red envelopes filled with money) to their children, buying presents for another holiday is not common.

I will try to break Jo if this habit and in doing so break our banks since I think Xmas is the most important (with gifts) and Jo believes that CNY is the most important with Hong Bao's. Well, we will just have to spread the wealth around a bit.

Anyway, my family has quite a few traditions for Xmas and while I am determined to make my own, there are some that I do like.

So when Xmas Day came, we opened presents under the tree and Jo was surprised at how many Santa brought her (he must have used strategically sized boxes....). And I got a present from my mom and dad labeled "Open This First" to which I did. And Lo and Behold, there was something edible and something traditional from my childhood Xmas memories staring me in the face: Honey Buns. Jo was perplexed that we were expected to eat something that we had kept under the tree for 2 weeks, but after persisting, she complied (you'll see them later).

So we made a mess - ok, I admit - it was mostly me, but thank god Jo opens presents my way, which is to literally rip it off as fast and as messily as possible (I hate those people who are so delicate with the wrapping paper that it takes them 5 minutes to open up a gift - to (they say) save the wrapping paper! Anyway, we had a little mess which made me feel better....

Jo was happy to get new slippers that look like little Huskies (we both love Huskies)....

A closer look at the Lil Guys....

SoHere is our Xmas breakfast, which upon afterthought, consisted of WAY too much bread and sweet things. Damn, I am getting old! When I was younger I used to put sugar on everything, including sugar.....but now my taste has definately changed and we managed to eat all of what you see (Honey Buns and French Toast), but with difficulty.

And here I had to eat a little more, so I snuck a few chocolate chip cookies that I had made the previous night.

Ho Ho Ho!

Anyway, that was our Xmas. We moved out a week later into our new place and are trying to get things organized here...

Now we can't wait and see what will happen THIS Xmas!

Jeff & Jo!

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