Saturday, September 16, 2006

Telling 'Mom'

Ok, I have some time today since Jo is up in Taipei letting her Mom and siblings know that this crazy foreigner has asked to marry her and that her even more crazy and illogical daughter said yes....

I have not met the parents, yet, so it will prove to be interesting!

But hey, I am likable, right??

Ok, I just heard some news from Jo that all went well, but that could mostly be because Jo bribed her with a nice gift BEFORE she told her the news....See! So smart! Oh, did I say "bribe" - No, no.... I meant 'without any meaning at all gave her a nice gift JUST for being a great mom'.....

Anyway, in Asian culture, you do not marry one person, you marry a family, and that holds true to this day. However, by some weird twist of fate, MY family is actually bigger than her family since her birth father was part of the military force that came from the mainland in the 50's to (you choose) 1) escape Mao's Red Guard or 2) to libertate Taiwan, and thus had leave his entire family behind. And if you are up on your history, the KMT soldiers, while vowing to take the mainland back one day, never made it back to China (some still have not gone back - if they are alive).

Thus, Jo's family is quite small - kind of an accepted anomoly here, and conversely The Angelovich Clan on the other hand is quite large for a typical American family. I mean, when you have more than 25 cousins alone, as some of my friends do, we are talking BIG families....(and thus BIG weddings or yearly parties).

Actually, at some point, I would like to post some pics of The Angelovich Clan. Hey - send me a good pic of you and I will upload it here! Come on, it will be fun!

Well, who knows, will we have a big family? That question is WAY to far to think about.....

Jeff & Jo

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