Monday, September 25, 2006

World Vision

Many of you do not know how Jo and I met, but I will save that for another post...

However, there has been a running theme in our relationship since the beginning: we both love children - teaching, caring, protecting, nurturing....and even though we don't have our own (yet - that is another post....), we have both taken steps to help a little.

I found out that Jo has been a World Vision volunteer for many years. For those of you who have not clicked on the link to the right yet (under Hotel Rwanda and in our Places to Go!), then basically it is an organization to help children. Simple.

And I am proud to say that between us, Jo and I have sponsored 5 children in various places around the world.

This is not a contest or something to 'brag' about, but I really believe that one of my purposes is to help as many children as possible - and the same goes for Jo. She actually has been sponsoring 3 kids for awhile and has been kindly encouraging me to do the same. However, it was only after watching Hotel Rwanda that the spark clicked and I have started on what I hope to be a lifetime of sponsoring and helping.

There was a line in the movie that affected me greatly - "They are killing the children first to wipe out the next generation." They, being the Hutus killing the Tsuti...and they did a good job - unfortunately...

Anyway, World Vision's motto is "One child at a time" and that is the main point. We may not be able to change policy on a large scale, but we can help individual children and families. Will you?

Go here or check out the other links....

Jeff & Jo

Sunday, September 24, 2006

A Professional Eater

Previously, in my younger days....I used to eat anything and any amount I wanted but could not gain weight. For a skinny kid who wanted to put on some pounds (and muscle), this was frustrating.

Now, as I mature (ok, 'am getting older'), t
he opposite effect is true - I only need to eat a bit and I will see results (often not what I want - which is why I have been 'highly encouraged' to get back to the gym).

However, of course the above situations happen since I am not a Profe
ssional Eater.

Jo, by contrast, is.

I mentioned before that Jo loves to eat, and not only that, she likes to eat a lot, and not only that, she likes to eat a lot of the same things that I do (pizza, bread, pizza, meat, pizza, dumplings, pizza, noodles, pizza.....did I mention we like pizza?). Anyway, she is a stick and I have a long way to go to match her level....

Here is a recent picture of Jo after eating 25 pizzas and 45 loaves of French Sticks for 'a snack' before lunch.

At first, I tried to keep up, but the skill of letting the calories and carbs slide off your body effortlessly is obviously beyond my meager skills at this point.

So I am heavier, yes - but in a good way... (you know, the whole - more to love - idea...). And anyway, Buddhas are happy to be around, right?

I mean, look at this guy here: Happy, right?

Yeah, but for some reason, Jo does not think a Buddha Belly is attractive. Humph! - Women!

But, I am learning the tricks on becoming a Professional Eater more and more.

Main point - Get your Professional Utensils - in this case Chopsticks...

You thought all Chopsticks are the same??? First mistake, pudgy....

Think about Professional Pool Players - there is a BIG difference between an ordinary pool cue and proessional ones, so it obviously makes sense in the realm of eating as well......

No doubt about it;

Jo is a Pro.

I have years of catching up to do and am trying my best.....

Hey, wanna have some pizza? Let me reach for my Professional Utensil Set....

Jeff & Jo

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

The Meeting of The Mom

"Are you nervous?" Jo asked.

"No, actually, I'm not." I responded. "You are the one that looks nervous! hehe"

Jo's eyebrow twitched and she let out a sigh through her smile that was tightening as we walked to the market to pick up some food to bring to her mother's home. I had had a relaxing ride up from Taichung to Sanchong (near Taipei), even though I got up earlier than normal for a Sunday - 8 am.

And here I was - on the cusp of battle - or so I would have guessed from the reports I had heard from Jo about her mom.

I was markedly calm - something that I guess comes with old age (haha) as a gentle mellowing of my usually fiery nature. In fact, now that I recall, I was quite calm about proposing and about talking about kids. Before, it was something that was always 'later' and something to be dreaded, but as Eckhart Tolle says in his book, the power of now is the only power there is.

So there I was, walking to the morning market (which is actually something I dislike since there are SO many people in a crowded area with sensory overload - usually displeasing senses as well), but was in a good mood and eager to meet The Mom.

After getting a heck of a lot of fruit and some prepared lunches, we walked back to her "Lao Jia" (literally: Old Home, but means where you grow up). It is an older section of the city and it definately has the ambiance of a traditional Taiwanese neighborhood (you will have to come here to actually know what that means....). Being right near the popular market (where we just came from), a nice park (filled with older gentlemen playing mahjiang or chatting), a school and bus stops to everywhere, it is also in a pretty convenient place.

As we walked up to the door, bags in tow, there was a quick flash of movement behind the door. Jo snickered.

It would be foolish to think that we could walk up without being noticed from 100 miles away. I mean, being a foreigner in this particular neighborhood draws a lot of attention - mostly - "Is he lost?" type of thing....

Anyway, she opened the door and I saw two deer eyed young girls - Jo's neices - caught in the surprise and shock (and dare I say fear) of seeing such a terrible monster as a foreigner....Nah, just kidding - well, kind of....hehe. Jo had told them before about me, but actually seeing an alien before you is different from contemplating about seeing an alien before you.

"Ni hao." I said to them and to the 2 other people in the room, who were a bit older and thus hid their shock a bit better. But everyone was smiling so that was a good sign (although, when someone is nervous they either open their eyes or smile profusely....).

I put the food on the table and stood around a minute nodding and trying to act casual.

Then The Mom came in -

Oceans parted, Firey rocks rained down, the earth trembled....

Well, if it was a terrible B movie, I guess that would be it, but only in Jo's mind.....(haha - she will kill me for this expose, but that is ok!)

I could feel the authority of her in the small room, for sure, but she was in a good mood and seemed to like the respect of "Bo mu, ni hao" which Jo mentioned was the greeting I had to give.

Anyway, I was ready for battle.

I was prepared for anything - I had even brought sacred talismans in
case things got out of hand. But all the fuss and worry ( for Jo) was for naught. It happened almost as I thought (I am sure Jo is rolling her eyes....).

Within a few moments, I was making (lame) jokes and small chit chat and actually The Mom was in a talkative mood - which I was assured happened infrequently. Even though Jo's mom preferred to use Taiwanese (a whole other language...sigh) there was enough Chinese that I understood enough to keep the chat going. I was not bombarded with 'interrogation-like' questions as I had been trained to answer the few days before. Oh, by the way, Jo's skill with a rubber hose and halogen light is quite good...Anyway, I was prepped for nothing.

But then the moment of truth came.

"Ni hui wan Mah Jiang ma?"

To which I assuredly answered: "Dang rang! Wo bi Jo wan de hao duo le!"

What came next will be talked about for generations and I am as good as in. Better, in fact. Jo is out and I am in.... Well, maybe not that much, but I walked away afterwards with the glowing satisfaction that this crazy foreigner will hopefully be accepted and part of Jo's family from now on.

Hell, I knew the outcome, but I am glad Other People did (not mentioning names....).


Oh, but perhaps I am getting ahead of myself.

What actually happened was that The Mom asked me is I could play Mah Jiang, to which I said - Heck ya....

If you don't know what Mah Jiang is, actually it is a pretty cool game. I will bring one home and maybe we can play it later. Anyway, even though I was a bit nervous that I was going to play with 3 women - Taiwanese women - I was not phased. The worst I could do was to loose, but just to play and to look like I knew what I was doing would be enough.

I did not think I would become the Supreme Master Champion, though!

Yup, that's right, I raked in cash, glory and accolades for my skill (ahem, luck...ok, ok) and I left a stunned table of Taiwanese women wondering how the hell an alien can beat them.

Well, let's just say I have assimilated here.....

And I am in my new Family.....

Let's play sometime!

Jeff & Jo!

Saturday, September 16, 2006

Misc - Horoscopes

While Horoscopes are not all that accurate, many are quite close and I have been interested in the psychological side of mapping someone like this for awhile. That is not to say that there are biased judgments, but I have learned certain things about many horoscope types that those of that type agree with.

This is also helpful to facilitate communication better - you know, know your enemy and all that.

Actually, we are made up of many parts, expereinces and facets, with the zodiac type only being one, but it is fascinating to learn more about.

Anyway, what are we?

The best ones, of course (yes, you may roll your eyes...)


  • The first sign of the Western Horoscope - ARIES
  • The last sign of the Eastern (or Chinese) Horoscope - THE PIG
  • The third sign of the Western Horoscope - GEMINI
  • The second sign of the Eastern (or Chinese) Horoscope - THE OX

If you want to find out more, just follow the links a bit. Also, go to The Onion for funny spoof horoscopes


Now, in addition to this, many Chinese also look at your Blood Type to determine your inherent personality and when I first arrived here, I thought it was a pretty weird conversation:

"What is your blood type?"
"Oh, just wondering?"
"I....'m not sure?"
"WHA? You don't know???"
"Uh, no...should I?"
"Of course - EVERYONE knows!"
"Oh, well...sorry...not sure - A+?"
"That's ok.." (as they look stunned)

Anyway, I had to call up to get the answer and I promptly forgot it. Damn! I think it is AB, (which is of course the BEST one), but I am not 100% confident....And hmmmm, I have to ask Jo as well.....

Anyway, if you are into more personality tests or about finding out more about yourself, go to some of these sites:

Very Accurate Personality Test

Many Personality Tests

More Personality Tests


We would love to know what you all are as well....send us an email or link!

Jeff & Jo!

Telling 'Mom'

Ok, I have some time today since Jo is up in Taipei letting her Mom and siblings know that this crazy foreigner has asked to marry her and that her even more crazy and illogical daughter said yes....

I have not met the parents, yet, so it will prove to be interesting!

But hey, I am likable, right??

Ok, I just heard some news from Jo that all went well, but that could mostly be because Jo bribed her with a nice gift BEFORE she told her the news....See! So smart! Oh, did I say "bribe" - No, no.... I meant 'without any meaning at all gave her a nice gift JUST for being a great mom'.....

Anyway, in Asian culture, you do not marry one person, you marry a family, and that holds true to this day. However, by some weird twist of fate, MY family is actually bigger than her family since her birth father was part of the military force that came from the mainland in the 50's to (you choose) 1) escape Mao's Red Guard or 2) to libertate Taiwan, and thus had leave his entire family behind. And if you are up on your history, the KMT soldiers, while vowing to take the mainland back one day, never made it back to China (some still have not gone back - if they are alive).

Thus, Jo's family is quite small - kind of an accepted anomoly here, and conversely The Angelovich Clan on the other hand is quite large for a typical American family. I mean, when you have more than 25 cousins alone, as some of my friends do, we are talking BIG families....(and thus BIG weddings or yearly parties).

Actually, at some point, I would like to post some pics of The Angelovich Clan. Hey - send me a good pic of you and I will upload it here! Come on, it will be fun!

Well, who knows, will we have a big family? That question is WAY to far to think about.....

Jeff & Jo

Wedding Dates??

I can feel it....we are getting closer to knowing when, where and with who we are going to marry......


The trick, of course, is that this is a multi-cultural, multi-continental, and multi-opinionated affair. Thank god we are both mellow and appreciate good food, good fun and a relaxing time, so the wedding process, which always has the potential to be mentally tiring, should (I hate that word, though) be a rather easy process....

Or - I admit - I could just be a guy, with the average guy mentality of the whole thing (which mostly involves making sure there is enough alcohol at the reception and that someone takes care of the rings while I say a 'few words'....)

However, Jo and I both have the same feeling - the wedding and reception are important - BUT the lifelong commitment is 1000 times more important, so while we want to have fun, we don't to have a "Hollywood" wedding.

So, what are we thinking?

Basically become 'official' very soon, and then have parties on 2 continents to celebrate in early February of 2007.

We will have a simple court wedding here in Taiwan soon (as soon as the end of Sept or Oct) to help facilitate her getting accepted for a US visa when we return to the States in December (since it is a PAIN to get a visa these days....)

Then we will return for Xmas, spend time with the relatives, eat lots of food (Oh, I mean exercise...), search around for places to hold a small ceremony and reception and then return home here at the beginning of January.

Then have a Taiwanese reception in the beginning of Feb 2007 and then fly BACK to the US for another reception the next week (or convenient time).

Now, this is the initial thought and there are lots of logistics that need to be ironed out, but I have a good feeling about it and hope that it is not conflicting with to many of your schedules (but hey, I am not getting married to accomodate YOU....haha). Anyway, this is a First Draft, as we say in the teaching world.

Oops, I am a businessman now. Ok, this is the Initial Contractual Agreement.....

So, things MAY change. Thankfully, as there is lots to plan, this gives us a 'tiny bit' more time than having a December wedding.....

And yes, it is right around Groundhog's day. Go see the movie!


Jeff & Jo!

Time Flies Like an Arrow; Fruit Flies Like an Apple

It feels a LONG time ago from last weekend, when we hosted the parties where everyone (supposedly) had fun.

A lot of things have happened in the meantime - wha? - I mean only 7 days! - and that is prolly why it seems like it was last year that I proposed to Jo.

What was going on?

  • I learned that one of my uncles was in serious condition with a Staph infection this week as well and that had the family on edge as well - thankfully, he is doing better and we are all thinking of you Uncle Bob, and of course, Matt and Aunt Carrie.
  • The company I co-own with two other brilliant, savvy, and industrious individuals (you never know - they may be reading - if so, I mean EVERY word....) has really taken off recently and we are becoming busier making the proper arrangements for contracts, meetings, and web site upgrades. If you are unsure of what I am into these days, take a trek over here to get a glimpse. Granted, this alone has been a large change from the usual pattern of my life in ALE and teaching English, Art and Money Mangement, but I have always been interested in starting businesses and this is one efficient way to do it.
  • I made an impromtu trip to Hong Kong on Atrillion business that has possibly netted us quite a few good contacts
  • I still had a few activities and misc things to do with ALE, as well as some make up privates
  • Jo and I are still trying to enhance our apartment, so we were also busy moving more of her things over here as well as looking around for more 'junk' as I will admit to calling it.
And, in the midst of a computer crash, travel and scattered times for being together....
  • Jo and I were trying to decide on dates and times - let alone places - for the wedding(s)

I will write more next year....

Monday, September 11, 2006

This past weekend was a lot of fun for Jo and I since we actually had two parties with various groups of friends Friday and Saturday.

So, for all of you who came - thanx for bringing so much damn f
ood(!) and for enjoying the evening(s) with us. Yes, it was basically a party to introduce Jo to most of my co-workers, associates, business partners, and most of all - friends and I at least had a great time - even though I was running around the whole night.

I even realized later that I had not even eaten much of anything and only had a few beers (and some wine...). But I can vouch for most of the food now, since we will be eating leftovers for awhile (Jo says 3 weeks, and I say 3 days....).

I was a little bummed that we could not go up on the roof (due to the rain), and we all had to pack in my apartment (all 35 or so of us!), but I hope you enjoyed yourselves and were comfy....I do like my place and I hope you do too.

You are always welcome and just call for reservations to use the ja'co
ol'zi (there will be a slight entrance fee...but it is worth it! haha).

Anyway, thanx for coming and we will look forward to having another get tog
ether soon.

And, yes, we will let you guys know about dates and times of wedding stuff as well....

Take care,

Jeff & Jo


Below are just a few scattered pics - but PLEASE send me some more so I can post or at least have. You know how bad a picture taker I help me out....I have not done justice to our gathering.....sigh!

Sean (the creator of The Gentle Rant - check it out!),
Vic (the creator of Seb and Nate -
seen above and
our beloved Managing Director of Atrillion) and Leslie

Jonny (one of my partners for Tiny Tycoons!)
talking to Adam (our Marketing Director at Atrillion)
and his new wife Joanne!
(with someone's head - sorry, my fault!)

Frank passing out namecards (to Jo and others)
If you want to get a new cell, talk to him...

My good friends David and Eva
(David is an excellent Investor and mentored
Jeremy and I for a time)

Alice and Leslie (Leslie is giving me that look
since she found out my clocks are set a
half hour fast - what the hell is that?
I know, I know.....)

Adam and Sean
(please note the good beer by Sean: Strong Suffolk,
bought at Go West)

Maxine and her son Wayne

Chen Qi and Jo (in our clean kitchen)

Parties are so boring for kids....bring on the
computer games - yeah!


Thanx again to all of you and hope to see you again soon!

Sunday, September 10, 2006

50 (or so) Questions - Jo

You've probably seen this type of questionaire over the internet or in your spam box all the time (at least I do since my sister constantly sends me things like this - thanx Wen!).

Anyway, in an effort to know Jo a bit more, I twisted her arm to do this (which was surprisingly difficult for someone who likes to talk...) but she does have a point - something like this DOES seem like a blasted interview or something....or worse - homework!

Well, at least it is a little glimpse into the life of Jo, and she is not here now anyway, so I can change some of the answers....hehe..

50 (or so) Questions:

1. FIRST NAME? Jo (actually, her Chinese name is Chi Xing Rong, which has no relation to her name)

2. WERE YOU NAMED AFTER ANYONE? Yes, in the novel 'Little Women' I loved the second sister, whose name was "Qiao." (Translation hard at work here....She read the book in Chinese a long time ago and they translated the name "Josephine" to "Qiao." So when she told the teacher that was the name she wanted, he said ok and wrote "Joe," since they were not aware that it was a man's name. She has written "Joe" for many years, but I gently suggested that she nick off the "e" to make it more fitting. I mean "Jeff and Joe's Blog" sounds like it should have meat or truck or something....Anyway, she agreed and now we are Jeff and Jo!)

3. WHEN DID YOU LAST CRY? Last month watching a movie (we were watching The Best of Youth - a great Italian epic 6 hour movie - Hell - I admit - I cried too a bit....Really good...)

4. DO YOU LIKE YOUR HANDWRITING? Yes, very much (she does write Chinese really well.....kinda like me....haha)

5. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE LUNCHMEAT? Beef (Jo is the only woman who loves almost anything I do - and eats a lot as well...amazing! I love her!)

6. KIDS? No, but I have 3 children that I support each month through World Vision. (Jo also does a lot of volunteer work and charity and works with World Vision - check the link - as for our own kids.....well....)

7. IF YOU WERE ANOTHER PERSON WOULD YOU BE FRIENDS WITH YOU? Of course - what a strange question! (Even after translating it, it was still weird....)

8. DO YOU HAVE A JOURNAL? Yes (geez - that's it? "Yes?" She has written a journal for almost 23 years now and still writes!)

9. DO YOU USE SARCASM A LOT? Yes (or she should have said "No, who me?" but hey, this is not my damn test...)

10. DO YOU STILL HAVE YOUR TONSILS? Yes (this was a pain to translate, since I have never needed to use this word - basically I just pointed to my neck and asked her if she hasd two little things removed from inside - her look and eyebrow cock were enough to let the subject lie....I admit I coaxed her into saying "yes"....)

11. WOULD YOU BUNGEE JUMP?No way! (literally, but that deeply saddens me, since I was a Bungee Jump instructor for 2 years! We'll see, if we ever go to New Zealand.....)

12. WHAT'S YOUR FAVORITE CEREAL? Coco Puffs (cool....)

13. DO YOU UNTIE YOUR SHOES WHEN YOU TAKE THEM OFF? No (course wearing mostly sandles helps in this regard...)

14. DO YOU THINK YOU ARE STRONG? Yes (she smiled when she said this, but it is true - for someone who can do 300 sit ups AT ONE TIME you can call yourself strong and get away with it....)

15. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE ICE CREAM FLAVOR? Taro (if you don't know what flavor that is, then go look it up - it is good though - trust me! And she tells me that she absolutely hates Strawberry and Mint ice cream! - anything with Strawberry or Mint flavor she will usually not touch (or give to me to finish....)

16. SHOE SIZE? size 5 (she has really tiny feet, compared to my curmudgeons.....)

17. RED OR PINK? Red! (hates pink)

18. WHAT IS THE LEAST FAVORITE THING ABOUT YOU? Talks too much (actually I like this since I can tease her more when she makes a mistake - haha)

19. WHO DO YOU MISS THE MOST? My adopted father (for the first 10 years of her life she spent time with a family friend who 'adopted' her even though her real father had not passed away yet. This is a common custom in older Taiwanese family life; when the family has too many children or some other factor. Anyway, the adopted father treated her very well and taught her many things, and when he passed away when she was about 10, she was extremely saddened by this. Afterwards, she had to go back to live with her 'real' father and mother and other sisters and brothers, but - as you can guess - it was not the same, or normal.....)

20. ISN'T JEFF GREAT? Totally! (Ok, I changed the were not paying attention anyway - this Damn test is TOO LONG!......)

21. WHAT COLOR PANTS AND SHOES ARE YOU WEARING? Brown shorts and no shoes (we dont wear shoes inside our apartment)

22. LAST THING YOU ATE? Chocolate cake (we had A LOT of food left over from our party and this was one of them...)

23. WHAT ARE YOU LISTENING TO RIGHT NOW? Jeff's stupid music (GEEZ! well, her music is not that great either!)

24. IF YOU WERE A CRAYON, WHAT COLOR WOULD YOU BE? Red (how sweet, me too!)

25. FAVORITE SMELL? Coffee (she makes some great fresh brewed coffee....and is a MASTER OF COFFEE MAKING - she is standing right here....I have to be careful now.....Anyway, she makes great coffee and I am never going to Starbucks again...)



28. YOU LIKE THE PERSON WHO SENT THIS TO YOU? Who? (she thinks she is being funny...)

29. FAVORITE DRINK? Coffee (see above)

30. WHAT'S YOUR FAVORITE SPORT? Swimming (to do) Gymnastics (to watch)

31. HAIR COLOR? Brown (she also has some cool blond and red highlights)

32. EYE COLOR? Brown


34. FAVORITE FOOD? Pasta and French Bread (I am telling you, this woman can EAT!)


36. LAST MOVIE YOU WATCHED? The Lady in the Water (which was quite good - go see it!)

37. T COLOR SHIRT ARE YOU WEARING? Grey (her sleeping / lounging shirt)


39. HUGS OR KISSES? Hugs (good thing I am twice her size...)

40. FAVORITE DESSERT? Cheese cake (hell yeah....)



43. WHAT BOOKS ARE YOU READING? The Alchemist (this is one of my favorites and I suggested she read it so she is in English - Damn, I have to get my butt in gear and read the Chinese version.)

44. WHAT'S ON YOUR MOUSE PAD? "Fritz Jou" ( I have no idea either....and it is damn boring....)

45. WHAT DID YOU WATCH LAST NIGHT ON TV? Nothing (What she means is that we don't have cable and don't like to watch tv...)

46. FAVORITE SOUNDS? Piano (when I first asked her, she said "because I love you" and I said that is not a sound, per se.....course, I suppose it is.....and then she added, the sound of me making her dinner, but I then tried my hand at retranslating.....)


48. THE FURTHEST YOU BEEN FROM HOME? England (she stayed in England last year to study English and it was a great time - she ALWAYS talks about that DAMN accent she learned....haha....OW! She hit that particularly British fashion......)

49. DO YOU HAVE A SPECIAL TALENT? Numbers (yes, her number skill is terribly accurate and she is almost a Rainman, without too much of the bobbing around....OW!......ok, she is great at math and actually taught it to junior high schoolers.....damn that has to be rough....)

50. WHEN AND WHERE WERE YOU BORN? May 25th 19XX, in Taipei (she is 3....OW!.....26...Please remember - 26!)

Ok, I am done....Hope you know her a bit more now....!

Family Man

Hello there!

By now, many of you know that Jo and I will be getting married aro
und the end of the year and I hope you are as pleasantly surprised and happy as we are!

This happened admittedly faster than we had planned (course, do you really plan these things?), but when ya' know it, ya' know it. Simple as that.

And, realizing day by day that I am to be a Family Man soon enough, I am actually geting excited and happier as the days go by. Great feeling - lemme tell ya!

Anyway, many of you have already had the pleasure of meeting Jo (who looks a hell of a lot better in person than the pictures I took of her....sigh...) and we both hope to have more chances to get to know all of you a bit better.....

I hope through this blog and through various parties, trips, gatherings, or other fun events that we can open up a bit more and have you get to know us (at least some of you may want to..... ;)

Talk to ya later,

Jeff ...

...& Jo, too now!