Sunday, March 08, 2009


We have been busy and lazy in alternating spurts (as usual).

Here are some updates, tidbits and things that have happened or will happen....

  • We had a very nice Chinese New Year vacation and rested as much as possible. We even won some cash in the annual Mah Jiang tourney
  • Mom hit the big 60 this past Feb 1st and we celebrated and congratulated here (these days, 60 does not seem that old at all!)
  • Our business is picking up and we seem to be moving faster now in terms of how many people know about our Money Management course for Kids.
  • My friend and previous tenant of our upstairs apartment moved out and after careful consideration, we decided to convert the upstairs apartment into a classroom so I can teach there myself - which should prove to be a better money maker than the landlord/tenant situation - plus we now have 4 more rooms 'added' on to our house.
  • Mommy (as opposed to Mom) did the amniosis test for the Lil' Guy and all seems fine, so we are relieved about that. Her belly has been growing steadily and we are still waiting for the first kicks or movements.
  • We are planning to take a vacation - prolly one of our last for awhile - to go to TaiDong, which is on the eastern side of the islands for 5 days at the end of the month for my birthday.
  • My birthday will mark my 'almost 40' marker and that is a shocker, since I used to think that was so old, but now realize it is all in the eye of the beholder - hell, I still feel 29!
  • Of course, we have been planning and getting ready for baby to pop out and all the stuff that comes with him. We have been reading some books and talking to parent-friends and are getting geared up for this whole new adventure.
So that is the news so far. We are doing great and are happy and hopefully so is Mocha and Babe.

More info will come later (as always).

Jeff, Jo and Babe

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