Saturday, March 28, 2009

TaiDong Day 3

Even though I would have been content to continue doing nothing for another 48 hours - hell make that 48 years, Jo's plan was not to be stopped and we changed to another hostel closer to the mountains and hot springs - something that Jo absolutely loves.

And we are talking about real hot springs out of the earth and sitting in pools trying not to cook your skin or internal organs too much. Also, the hostels that are around here are fam
ous for having the hot water piped into the bathroom itself, so for the next few days, we had wonderful hot spring baths - sometimes 3 times a day.....

But first we had to earn it.

We ended up going to a famous forest park at the end of a small road and it was very quiet and serene - mostly since we chose to come on the weekday, which is the smartest thing to do here since the weekend seems like a fairground coupled with thousands of people pretending to like to walk around the forest trails in high heels and suits.

We had to carry an umbrella since it was misting, but that made things even better. A good 3 hour walk in the woods. Kind of like my old days in the Bear Pit when I was young (I would spend hours in those woods).

We saw lots of spiders which were quite beautiful. Jo took these since she still does not fully trust me with taking good pics....

This one had brilliant green markings.

This beetle did not have brilliant green markings, but that is ok....

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