Saturday, March 28, 2009

TaiDong Day 5

Ah, our last day here was not really a day - more like get up late, take a nice hot spring bath, eat breakfast and then saunter out of our last hostel at around 10 am for the 5 hour trek back home. Along the way, we stopped at a small shoulder to get one last glimpse of the ocean.

I had to go down and touch the ocean to say 'thanx' so that is what I did. I jumped the barrier and made my way down. And of course, I picked up some nice rocks for my 'collection' (if you are a guy you understand; if not, well, let's just say they will be useful for something....)

That is our trip! Hope to see you soon and take you down here ourselves!

(And yes, Jo is pregnant, but being the great husband I am,
I have decided to try to experience her situation as best I can and
put on a few pounds....only for a short time, of course....)

TaiDong Day 4 - The Cow Ranch Day

Jo asked me if I wanted to go to a ranch today and while I 'really' wanted to relax and do nothing, it is not wise to say no to a pregnant woman in her 6th month (hormonal imbalance, I think it is called). So we headed out to the Chu Lu Cow Ranch on the outskirts of TaiDong. I was pleasantly surprised when we got there.

The drive up was great and super fresh. I know some of you do not or can not appreciate this, but even though Taichung is not the dirtiest place, coming out to a really clean place puts things in perspective.

This is part of the field where the cows were 'supposed' to be. We did not see any yet.

Ah, there's one. I mean, what is a cow ranch without cows?

And of course some horses.
This guy was just hanging out strapped to a carriage. I felt bad I did not have anything to give him.

There were a lot of gardens around here and they did look nice. I grabbed the camera back from her and got some of Jo acting as a flower. If you have good eyes, you can spot the other cows somewhere around here...

So we had a good and short time walking around here. There were some real cows that we could buy food for and feed them, but Jo was not into that. I guess we will have to wait until the Lil One is bigger (since Dad really wanted to feed the cows)....

TaiDong Day 3

Even though I would have been content to continue doing nothing for another 48 hours - hell make that 48 years, Jo's plan was not to be stopped and we changed to another hostel closer to the mountains and hot springs - something that Jo absolutely loves.

And we are talking about real hot springs out of the earth and sitting in pools trying not to cook your skin or internal organs too much. Also, the hostels that are around here are fam
ous for having the hot water piped into the bathroom itself, so for the next few days, we had wonderful hot spring baths - sometimes 3 times a day.....

But first we had to earn it.

We ended up going to a famous forest park at the end of a small road and it was very quiet and serene - mostly since we chose to come on the weekday, which is the smartest thing to do here since the weekend seems like a fairground coupled with thousands of people pretending to like to walk around the forest trails in high heels and suits.

We had to carry an umbrella since it was misting, but that made things even better. A good 3 hour walk in the woods. Kind of like my old days in the Bear Pit when I was young (I would spend hours in those woods).

We saw lots of spiders which were quite beautiful. Jo took these since she still does not fully trust me with taking good pics....

This one had brilliant green markings.

This beetle did not have brilliant green markings, but that is ok....

TaiDong Day 2

Day 2 was my favorite, since as Jo laments, we did absolutely nothing for 24 hours. There are a plethera of hostels catering to many kinds of tourists and our friend mentioned that we would like the
one we would stay at today. So we drove up back roads and got lost about 10 times, but finally managed to find the little hostel. However, no one was home, so we called the guy who rents it out and he said: Just go right in - it is not locked! Only you guys are there tonight!.

Jo was shocked since there really IS another kind of feeling here with less crowded places and a more laid back attitude. Simple, honest and trusting. In a city, forget it. By the way, we are really thinking to move to Hua Lien or Tai Dong at some point in the future just for that reason: the city, forget it.

Anyway, we finally found the place and 3 dogs greeted us.

This place was really out in the middle of nowhere - and we loved it. You could see the ocean from the porch and staggering mountains at the back.

So we did what anyone in their right mind would do - as little as possible. After awhile, even Jo settled down and started to relax! (this lasted only a few hours since she wanted to walk around some paths in the mountains. Me? I just stayed and kept reading my book).

You bugger! I get up for 10 minutes to make some coffee and you steal my seat! Out! Out!
(he ignored me.....)

This is our room - sorry if it makes you jealous! It was very clean, rustic and simple, but had all we needed to spend those 24 hours in bliss.

Well, maybe with the baby kicking A LOT, Jo was not that blissful, but we did relax as much as possible.

Happy Birthday Mr. Ol' Fogie & TaiDong Trip Day 1

Image Link

It was my birthday again this past week and I am now pushing the upper limits of how far 30 - something will go. So, I might as well come right out and sayit: I am 38 years young and damn happy.

Hell, I used to think 30 - somethings were on the verge of geriatric bedding, dentures and diapers. I felt a tinge of pity when I heard that someone was 30 - something, when I was in my 20's. Now, I h
ear that and think how young and foolish those whipper-snappers are.....sigh, I am gearing up to be a nice ol' curmudgeon.

But, I must say, I feel great and my life is pretty much almost exactl
y how I imagine it to be and want (all those Secret musings and thoughts do work, by the way). I have a wife that I love (and who is smarter than me), I have work that is interesting and fulfilling, I have a dog that listens to me (sometimes) and is loyal (most times), and last but not least, I have a smart, handsome and kick ass son on the way and that is so cool.

So indeed, I had a great birthday this year.

We decided that a great present would be to go out and travel one last time before the baby comes and wrecks havoc into our structured lives......but I digress.

We picked a superb spot - and one that I have not been to in Taiwan yet in all my 15 years here (I can explain why some other time). Anyway, I was so excited that we were going to TaiDong, which is on the Eastern part of the island, and coincedentally, the most beautiful part. This was perfect for us since TaiDong sits on the beautiful Pacific coastline backed by beautiful mountains about 2 stones throws away. Just friggin' beautiful.

Have I mentioned it is beautiful, yet?

The mountains and ocean also serves to appease us both as well, since Jo is the Mountain person and I am the Ocean person. In Chinese thought we can seperate most people into 2 kinds - those that like the mountains or the ocean more. If you like the mountains, you are peaceful and kind. If you like the ocean more, you are creative and wise. Anyway, whether that is BS or not, we BOTH had a great time there doing pretty much nothing but soaking up the ocean vibes and mountain air. Just beautiful....

Anyway, here are some pictures that can document our vacay. We spent 5 days in and about TaiDong and we are so happy we did.

TaiDong (which means The Eastern Area of Taiwan) is a very small town by Taiwanese standards. It is on the south eastern part of the island and is mostly populated by Aboriginals - but as with any modern society, that part of the culture is diminishing (too bad). It sits pretty much right on the coast, nestled up against some pretty hefty mountains (so it can not physically contain so many people, which is good, since there is much less pollution).
This pic was a 2 min walk from our first hostel, where we could see the ocean from our window,
but decided to get a closer look.

This is what greeted us, but we also found a small path down. Jo, being the mountaineer, wanted to go and worried Daddy was just being a puss when he wondered aloud if it was too sttep for her to go down. "Too steep!? I carry 25 poounds on my back on much harder trails, I can carry the Lil' One down this" were her words.....

And she did.

At least I am getting better taking pictures...

I had to do some climbing.

Jo noticed this rock and pointed it out. We both thought the same thing: Rhino!

It was getting later, so we decided to go back up. When we got up, Jo gave the ubiquitous "two fingered" salute for our son since that was the first time he heard the waves (except when mommy burps or farts)..... By the way, Jo is 6 months pregnant in this photo and while most people say her 'mound' looks too small, they sometimes forget that Jo is SUPER skinny and the 'watermelon' is getting much bigger now.....

A last look at the sunset before we made our way back to the hostel, where we promptly ate, washed and zonked out. A good start!

Some Mocha Pics

I have not posted pics of Mocha in awhile and thought it might be a good time to do so.

So enjoy.....

I am not really sure why he feels comfortable like this, but I am sure the little step up acts like a pillow. I have no idea what he is thinking when we took this one....

I think he is just lazy. Here he is by our main door, watching out hoping to go upstairs (or get some rest, or eat anything). Oh, by the way, huskies are the worst guard dogs since they get excited and happy to see new people...

Jo hates this pose when Mocha does it, but I think it is hilarious. I can't imagine this is too comfy,
but then again, I am not Mocha....

Finally a more normal sleeping position, near "His" area.

You know, Mocha, you are getting a bit big for horsey rides!

Whoops, I think he does not agree....

Sunday, March 08, 2009


We have been busy and lazy in alternating spurts (as usual).

Here are some updates, tidbits and things that have happened or will happen....

  • We had a very nice Chinese New Year vacation and rested as much as possible. We even won some cash in the annual Mah Jiang tourney
  • Mom hit the big 60 this past Feb 1st and we celebrated and congratulated here (these days, 60 does not seem that old at all!)
  • Our business is picking up and we seem to be moving faster now in terms of how many people know about our Money Management course for Kids.
  • My friend and previous tenant of our upstairs apartment moved out and after careful consideration, we decided to convert the upstairs apartment into a classroom so I can teach there myself - which should prove to be a better money maker than the landlord/tenant situation - plus we now have 4 more rooms 'added' on to our house.
  • Mommy (as opposed to Mom) did the amniosis test for the Lil' Guy and all seems fine, so we are relieved about that. Her belly has been growing steadily and we are still waiting for the first kicks or movements.
  • We are planning to take a vacation - prolly one of our last for awhile - to go to TaiDong, which is on the eastern side of the islands for 5 days at the end of the month for my birthday.
  • My birthday will mark my 'almost 40' marker and that is a shocker, since I used to think that was so old, but now realize it is all in the eye of the beholder - hell, I still feel 29!
  • Of course, we have been planning and getting ready for baby to pop out and all the stuff that comes with him. We have been reading some books and talking to parent-friends and are getting geared up for this whole new adventure.
So that is the news so far. We are doing great and are happy and hopefully so is Mocha and Babe.

More info will come later (as always).

Jeff, Jo and Babe