Sunday, January 24, 2010

More Adventures in Feeding

Jo, Sage and I are learning more about food these days. They say you are what you eat and while I agree with that, I am unsure. However, I am dead sure about what goes in comes out, since we see this first hand everyday.

Course, we have to get the food 'in' for it to come 'out' so that is the challenge. Yet, then again, Sage is turning out to be a pretty good eater (I have heard horror stories from other parents) and we are happy indeed about that.

Let's see, we have tried carrots, congee, bananas, sweet potatoes, rice milk, and small melty snacks for kids (similar to rice puffs). We also add in nutritional supplements to make sure he will be as big as dad (or bigger), much to mom's worry. His favorites so far seems to be the bananas and sweet potatoes, so we have to hustle with those since he often looks like a little bird with a wide open mouth waiting for the mother bird's meal.

Anyway, here are some recent pics of our progress...

We have learned that distraction works well and since he likes the big can that holds his treats, we can let him play with that (and not worry about it getting dirty) and sometimes slip in spoonfulls of goodness...

The little bird is happy


He is concentrated so we can....

..slip in some food

You tricked me again, didn't you, mom!

Wait a minute! You said this was bananas!

Ok, I'll fall for it said this is bananas?

Ok, not so bad!

Here, we are all taking a break.
His "N" and Funny Bunny help pass the time as well as segue for more food exploits.

Dad, where are the bananas?

Oh! Here they are!

Hmmm, I think I'll have one with some chocolate sauce, thank you..

What? You don't have any chocolate sauce?

What gives?

Well, that is ok, just pile them in...

No, Sage, that is not a banana!

Come on Dad, I know that...

I wish it was though!

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