Thursday, January 07, 2010

Back in the ROC!


You know what they say about needed a vacation after you have a vacation. Well, we need a vacation after coming back from our trek across the water.

We must say that Sage was (and is) really good for having to deal with a huge trip, but since he has been sleeping less and more active, coming back was much harder on Mom and Dad than going to the States. But we made it and am blogging to tell the tale....


Total Flight time: 18 hours
Total wait time (with cute and active baby): 8 hours

Total drive time (to and from airports): 3 hours

Total trip time from door to door: 29 hours.....

Amount of time Dad stood holding Sage: 12+ hours
Amount of times Mom held and/or breastfed Sage: just...many

Amount of smiles produced when Sage was being walked around: countless

Total amount of sleep time in the total 29 hours for Jeff: 2 hours
Total amount of sleep time in the total 29 hours for Jo: 4 hours
Total amount of sleep time in the total 29 hours for Sage: 10 hours

So, yes, we were blasted by the time we arrived at our apartment at our local time of 12:30 am on Jan 7th. Basically, when you go to the US, it is faster flight time (due to the earth's rotation) and you gain a day, and then you head towards Taiwan, it is a slower flight time and you loose a day. However, jet lag takes a lot longer whenever we head back to the states than return, so that is the only plus of heading back to Taiwan...

Thankfully, the flights were good and since we were bumped up to the next section (not business class, but a new "Premium Economy" the leg room was much better (and also some other perks). But since Sage needed to be consoled more (since we assume he got spoiled back at Gramma and Grampa's house - since everyone loved to hold him), I only prolly sat in my chair for less than half that time. Thank god I am a teacher since with that comes strong legs to stand a lot. And thank god for Jo's ability to remain calm and breastfeed even though she was beat and tired too.

But Sage made a lot of friends and all the flight attendants were eager to smile and play coochie coo with him, so at least that was good, too.

So we returned by a privte limo/van (one of the perks Jo's credit card offers) and we were getting more excited along the way and once we turned into our small street and stopped the van, we breathed a huge sigh of relief (and exhaustion). Opening the door to our apartment was nice too, but to be honest we both had the feeling of missing my parent's home already since it really is a nice house and...big. We looked around and both mentioned how small our apartment feels, but by then we were too tired to care.

We had to laugh though, since Sage seemed to remember where he was and was having a great time talking to himself and squealing his happy squeals before we put him (and us) to bed.

Ah, great holiday, great times and great (well, long anyway) trip back.

Can't wait to do it again soon - and next time with a 2 year old! Won't THAT be pleasant!

Here Dad and Sage are getting ready for the trip back, waiting at Dulles in Washington.

We did not take many pics on the process (for obvious reasons), but here is one I took of Jo and the bundle of Sage in Tokyo, waiting for our last haul to Taiwan and then home...


So we are back and getting ready to get back in the swing of things!



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