Sunday, October 25, 2009

Time with Sage

We spend a lot of time with Sage. I am lucky enough to work in chunks of time (and for good pay) that allow me to stay home a lot with Jo and Sage, and Jo is starting to not only accept her new 'housewife' role, but enjoy it as well.

So we are at the stage now where we secretly wish that he would not sleep so much so we can hold/be/cuddle with him. We both know though that in a few months we will be perhaps wishing for the opposite - wishing he would sleep more so we can relax a bit more! But we will handle that when it comes.

Here, Jo and Sage are watching some cartoons (for Jo, not for Sage), and Sage is trying hard to pay attention.

But something else - and more interesting catches his eyes...

Yeah, he loves looking at moving things and our fan is usually on - he loves to stare at it.

Or maybe he is thinking of heading back into his play room!

He does have lots of books to get through!

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