Thursday, October 01, 2009

Accrutrements and Accomodations for Sage

As a wanna-be interior decorator, I have many ideas when it comes to our apartment's look. If you have followed this blog for awhile, you may remember that we have been through 3 apartments in the last 3 years (3 in one year!), ending up with this current one which we love.

I will speak humbly and say that all of them have looked great (no matter what other non-art types care to voice their opinions on...).

I hate white walls with a passion and have painted rooms in my homes myriad colors from red to black to beige to purple, and many inbetween colors and designs. So I am getting excited that I have another opportunity to paint walls again for Sage's benefit, meaning Winnie the Poohs, clouds, trees and all other cool things that I love and I hope he does to. If Mom likes it that is a bonus, but not that important ( I say now....).

Anyway, I am remodeling rooms again, to the chagrin of Jo. In fact, I love changing the "feng shui' of the place at least 2 times a year, but she hates it. Strange since I am usually the one who does not like change and she the one who loves it. But I digress.

We are changing our computer room into Sage's (and Dad's) playroom, which means consolidating all the book shelves and things together and moving things around so he has enough room to spread out all his toys and books on the floor, making it nearly impossible to walk....

Originally, our computer room was like this, with the shelves on the left, and Jo's desk and massage chair on the right, but we figured we wanted to give him a space on the left so that Mom or I could see him from the kitchen as needed through the doors. So I had to move all the shelves to the right side and so forth....

...and ok, it is not done yet, but it is getting there. Now, on the right is a big bare blue wall (great for a sky painting...) where we will figure out some good designs.

In addition to moving things around for Sage's future play times, we also jumped the gun a little bit and got him a pretty much instant library and second hand toys that we actually picked up for a very cheap price on ebay (course the shipping was more than we wanted..... Plus, Mom got over 100 chinese books for young children (not like board books with big pictures, but for 6-10) which I am starting to read too since I have been lazy in my Chinese reading skills. And even though Mom is going to handle the Chinese part, I want Sage to know that Dad can hold his own too in terms of reading.

So now, Sage is pretty much all set for his initial barrage of toys and books and we are ciked.

I will be updating our remodeling when I have more energy (when it gets cooler)!

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