Friday, October 02, 2009

Sage's Acting Skills

I am sure any baby has a variety of faces that they whip out telling very clearly their current mood and feeling. They could be laughing one second and then crying the next, or just looking dazed and confused.

We have decided to up the ante a bit to get Sage to practice his acting skills, which requires a specific set of exercises and influencing movements to help him succeed in any facet of life later. While it does not mean that Sage will be a successful actor, it does mean that he can at least be the class clown when he goes to school....

First, we have to get into the mood by being face to face with the Practitioner, who for this exercise was Mom. She claps her hand and says a face and then Sage needs to do it. Let's see how it goes....

Ok, you watching? Here we go.....

Stick out your tongue! Good...

Smile! Good!

Look dazed and confused! Good!

Hey! Don't look into the camera! Rule Number ONE!

Ok, blow some bubbles!


Hey, Hey, what did I say about looking into the camera while being so cute???
No, No, No...

Ok, give a cold shoulder.


Quick! Look scared!

Try REALLY scared!

....Good! (just don't fall over....)

Ok, laugh naturally.

Nailed it.

Now look philosophical - come on, you are a Sage, right?

Hmmm, that's it.

Ok, now we will do scenes. You ready?

Someone is tickling you - what do you do?

Spot on...

Now, you see an alien war craft landing near you. What do you do?

Ok, well that is accurate, I suppose...

Now you are a master conductor for a philharmonic orchestra on the last night of a star performance. How do you portray this character?


Now, you just realized something interesting. Show me your 'interested' face...

Ok, not bad.

Ok, now look menacing and accuse someone of a crime.....

Uh, almost....your gotta practice that 'menacing' look a bit more....

Now, someone is giving you lip and they don't realize that you are not only a mob boss, but they are worthless pieces of cake to you. How do you handle this?

Great! I like the 'badda bing, badda boo' look...

Well, I guess we can call it a night. How do you feel, Actor Man?

Hey, is that for real???

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