Tuesday, October 06, 2009


We recently had a sit down with Sage the other night since he wanted to discuss something with us. I had no idea what he wanted to say, but as all loving parents are apt to do, we listened carefully to his thoughts and proposals.

Ok, good, you both are here.

I have been meaning to talk about something with you.

Sure, Sage. What is it?

Well, first off, let's talk about kissing. Now, it is great and all, but you and Mom kiss me too much! I mean, Mom and you are always kissing me on my cheeks and, frankly, I am sick of it.

Really? We just love you so much that we want to kiss you and your cheeks are so chubby and cute right now!

Yeah, but when Mom kisses me, it is all wet and slimy and when Dad kisses me it is all rough and stickly!


Oh, well we never thought of that - we thought you would love to know that we love you so much and .....

....why are you looking like that?

Like this?

Yes. Seeing you like that makes us want to kiss your cheeks even more!

Well, the fact is, I already KNOW you love me so much, so you can lay off the slobbery, sticky, rough and pincoushiny kisses to my cheeks!

I mean there are other places to kiss or other ways to show your affection, you know...

Oh, ok, sure. We can try other ways. Like what?

Well, have you ever shown your love by stocking up on great presents for me?

Actually, we have just bought about 250 books for you and many toys to use when you are older, as well as quite a few clothes!

Mom, pampers do NOT count as clothes, ok?! And books and toys?

Haha, nice try. I will not be able to use them for a long time yet and I am talking about now! Come on, you know all babies live in the NOW....heck, in a few minutes I will forget even having this conversation....

I mean, what's the probability of me actually using and enjoying those books and toys RIGHT NOW?

That's right - 0%!

So, think....could you do anything NOW - other than kissing my cheeks - that can show your affection?

Well, I guess we could throw you up in the air and try to catch you....

Um, you may want to think again; that does not sound too good....

We could tickle you....

See, that works a little, right?

Yeah, I guess so...

Or, heck, if you won't remember this conversation in a few minutes, we can just keep on kissing your adorable cheeks! Come here!


See what I have to put up with?

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