Saturday, September 26, 2009

Sage's First (of many more to come) Gettysburg Paraphernalia

Grampa and Gramma live in a very important town for US history and they are determined to make sure Sage knows that (whether he wants to or not...).

Luckily for Sage, he is technically more on the "Wu" side of things (as opposed to the "Wen" side of things) as evidenced in the recent post here and this makes Grampa pretty excited since Gettysburg, PA is THE place to know about and go to for a little boy who likes the martial side of things.

Here is Mom in front of Grampa and Gramma's house in historically important Gettysburg

Here is Gramma, Mom and Grampa on their equally historically important deck.

Here is a historically important place that you will see soon....

So to pepper him up and get him ready for his indoctrination.....I mean fun fun times in G-berg they have already sent Sage some great presents and things to whet his future martial appetite.

However, since he is still a wee bit young, they (Gramma, prolly) went for a more kid like introduction to the wonders of Gettysburg.

Here are some shots and some inner dialogue that I am sure is spot on.

Hey Sage! Something came in the mail for you!

Yeah! Great! What is it?

You're wearing one of the things - a Gettysburg onesie!

Wow! Cool.....oh, what the heck is a Gettysburg?

Not 'a' Gettysburg, 'the' Gettysburg. This is where Grampa and Gramma live.
It is a beautiful place and is very special for your American history side.

Oh, wait, is that the place famous for the epochal battle between the Northern forces commanded by Maj. Gen. Joseph Hooker and Maj. Gen. George C. Meade and the Southern forces commanded by Robert E. Lee of the Civil War, fought on July 1-4th, 1863?

Yeah......I....uh....WAIT A MINUTE! How did you know THAT?

Oh, I know all those things; you know, important battles, famous generals,
stunning strategies and name it.
I thought you were talking about a silly toy or something....

Oh, wow. Well, your Grampa will be quite happy to know that, seeing how he is pretty much a 'sage' when it comes to the Civil War. In fact, that is why they moved there in the first place! We used to live in Torrington, CT. Do you know where that is?

Did it have any important battles? Famous generals?
Stunning strategies and drama?
Didn't think so. Nope, never heard of it.....

Oh, well, when we are back there, we will have to show you......

Oh, and hey, what was that you said about Grampa being Sage?

I'm the only Sage I know.....

Yes, sure...Well, mom and I picked your name since we liked how it sounded and also what it means. There are 2 meanings: one is a very wise person and the other one is an edible plant that is quite tasty.

Hold on, you named me after a PLANT? What the heck is that?

Well, coincidentally that name has 2 different meanings, but we picked it for the first meaning, of course. But anyway, your Grampa is pretty well informed when it comes to the Civil War and especially Gettysburg and any questions you have for him he would love to answer. Do you have any Sage?

In fact, I do. It has been gnawing at me for awhile.
Why didn't Meade pursue Lee faster after the defeat on July 4th to end the war quicker, when it lasted another year or so?

Um.....THAT has been gnawing at you for awhile? Not like say, getting enough milk or sleep? Well, I will pass that question on to Grampa and see what he says......Ok?

Oh, and what was going on with President Lincoln and his cabinet members? And what about McClellan? Was his ousting politically motivated or personal?

Um, yeah..... Ok, I will pass those along too.
In the meantime, do you like the Gettysburg onesie they got for you?

Heck, yeah! I can even wear it now, even though it is supposed to be for bigger babies!

Well, you are a big baby, that is for sure and we are very happy. I am sure that Gramma and Grampa are also very happy you like their gifts!

Yup, they are cool! Just tell 'em to keep the Civil War stuff rolling in. I can explain to you what all of that stuff is for later
(since you just like Fantasy war stuff.....)

Well, that is true, but I do like knowing history and strategies, so we can't wait to bring you to Gettysburg someday soon!

Yeah, can't wait to see Gramma, Grampa and the Gettysburg Battlefields! Bye! And Thanx!

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