Anyway, we brought him to the Metropolitan Park last weekend (the weekend that was raining, but after my three blogs, it stopped and then we took off). Our plan was to just stay a little bit and head on home and get us used to lugging him around and him used to being lugged around.
But then Mom and Dad were hungry and instead of heading back towards home, we decided to go to a restaurant. We had lots to choose from, so we picked a Mexican one that sounded good. This was the first time we had brought Sage out in a 'confined' public space, so I was a little wary about what would happen, but he was a super dude and was quiet the whole time, absorbing the action.
We head out to Taipei tomorrow to see Jo's mom, sister and brother's family, so that will be a busy day as well! A lot of cheek kissing and strangers holding Sage and cooing and awwing....
Hope he - and us - are up for it!
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