Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Getting Fit

I keep hearing that I need to stay in shape from some annoying person who - wouldn't you know it - is already in very good shape. So after a 2 month break from the gym, we started back up again. Jo is thrilled (to be out of the house finally) and I am, well, doing my duty (as I see it).

But we are getting excited for the day that we can bring Sage to the gym with us, so we need to get him souped up and ready as well.

Here are some pictures to that effect....

Up, down, up down, up.....
Hmmm, Sage is packing some muscles already!

Here is some boxing training we did recently.
Sage's look of concentration is excellent....
...as is his eye-hand coordination skills....

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Sage's First (of many more to come) Gettysburg Paraphernalia

Grampa and Gramma live in a very important town for US history and they are determined to make sure Sage knows that (whether he wants to or not...).

Luckily for Sage, he is technically more on the "Wu" side of things (as opposed to the "Wen" side of things) as evidenced in the recent post here and this makes Grampa pretty excited since Gettysburg, PA is THE place to know about and go to for a little boy who likes the martial side of things.

Here is Mom in front of Grampa and Gramma's house in historically important Gettysburg

Here is Gramma, Mom and Grampa on their equally historically important deck.

Here is a historically important place that you will see soon....

So to pepper him up and get him ready for his indoctrination.....I mean fun fun times in G-berg they have already sent Sage some great presents and things to whet his future martial appetite.

However, since he is still a wee bit young, they (Gramma, prolly) went for a more kid like introduction to the wonders of Gettysburg.

Here are some shots and some inner dialogue that I am sure is spot on.

Hey Sage! Something came in the mail for you!

Yeah! Great! What is it?

You're wearing one of the things - a Gettysburg onesie!

Wow! Cool.....oh, what the heck is a Gettysburg?

Not 'a' Gettysburg, 'the' Gettysburg. This is where Grampa and Gramma live.
It is a beautiful place and is very special for your American history side.

Oh, wait, is that the place famous for the epochal battle between the Northern forces commanded by Maj. Gen. Joseph Hooker and Maj. Gen. George C. Meade and the Southern forces commanded by Robert E. Lee of the Civil War, fought on July 1-4th, 1863?

Yeah......I....uh....WAIT A MINUTE! How did you know THAT?

Oh, I know all those things; you know, important battles, famous generals,
stunning strategies and drama....you name it.
I thought you were talking about a silly toy or something....

Oh, wow. Well, your Grampa will be quite happy to know that, seeing how he is pretty much a 'sage' when it comes to the Civil War. In fact, that is why they moved there in the first place! We used to live in Torrington, CT. Do you know where that is?

Did it have any important battles? Famous generals?
Stunning strategies and drama?
Didn't think so. Nope, never heard of it.....

Oh, well, when we are back there, we will have to show you......

Oh, and hey, what was that you said about Grampa being Sage?

I'm the only Sage I know.....

Yes, sure...Well, mom and I picked your name since we liked how it sounded and also what it means. There are 2 meanings: one is a very wise person and the other one is an edible plant that is quite tasty.

Hold on, you named me after a PLANT? What the heck is that?

Well, coincidentally that name has 2 different meanings, but we picked it for the first meaning, of course. But anyway, your Grampa is pretty well informed when it comes to the Civil War and especially Gettysburg and any questions you have for him he would love to answer. Do you have any Sage?

In fact, I do. It has been gnawing at me for awhile.
Why didn't Meade pursue Lee faster after the defeat on July 4th to end the war quicker, when it lasted another year or so?

Um.....THAT has been gnawing at you for awhile? Not like say, getting enough milk or sleep? Well, I will pass that question on to Grampa and see what he says......Ok?

Oh, and what was going on with President Lincoln and his cabinet members? And what about McClellan? Was his ousting politically motivated or personal?

Um, yeah..... Ok, I will pass those along too.
In the meantime, do you like the Gettysburg onesie they got for you?

Heck, yeah! I can even wear it now, even though it is supposed to be for bigger babies!

Well, you are a big baby, that is for sure and we are very happy. I am sure that Gramma and Grampa are also very happy you like their gifts!

Yup, they are cool! Just tell 'em to keep the Civil War stuff rolling in. I can explain to you what all of that stuff is for later
(since you just like Fantasy war stuff.....)

Well, that is true, but I do like knowing history and strategies, so we can't wait to bring you to Gettysburg someday soon!

Yeah, can't wait to see Gramma, Grampa and the Gettysburg Battlefields! Bye! And Thanx!

Gettin' Ganged Up

Sometimes, you are just sitting minding your own business
and then all of a sudden.....

Ya get ganged up by all the little critters wanting attention....

Pick me! Pick me! They seem to say.....

And Monkey is always trying to get the most attention....

Which Sage does not appreciate....

Heck, even cute Roley Poley clamored for prime seating
hoping to be drooled on by Sage..

But in the end, it all worked out and each got a little bit of play time with Sage.

He does seem to have a preference for Mr. Moo though
(course I think that is because he is also cow - corn in Cow Year...)

Friday, September 25, 2009

Talking Sage cont...

Sage may look like Dad, but it is becoming more and more clear that his personality is like Mom's and one thing that he likes to do is talk. Dad can make him smile and laugh, but Mom can make him talk (mostly since I think he likes those high pitched sounds that are hard on Daddy's throat...).

So here are some vids of Sage eloquently speaking the language that only moms and babies know......

We love this one the best so far.....(besides that first talking Sage video where I was helping him talk....)

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Sage Meets Roley Poley The Panda

I was a big fan of puppets when I was a kid and my dad had a cute dog one that I loved (with his hand in it of course). So as grandparents are wont to do, they sent over some great stuff and one was this hand puppet of a panda.

I can tell Sage and I will get a lot of use out of it.

Sage's First Meeting

Hi Sage! I'm Roley Poley the Panda! You sure are cute!

Yup! Especially when you smile!
Hey did you know that I am your father?

Well, no, not really....ok, I was only joking....

Here, lemme give you a kiss....

Sage's Second Meeting

Hi Sage! Do you remember me?

'You're the one that makes lame jokes, right?'

Um, yeah, that's right, I guess....
"Oh, yeah! I remember you!"

'I know your tricks!'

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Some Recent Random Shots

Sage is almost a full 3 months old, going on 4. In our books that makes him definitely 3 times as cute, nearing 4 times so we need to keep taking pictures..... I think he likes it almost as much as mommy and daddy do (we hope). Plus, I am getting a kick out of him looking back on these and reading what a kook daddy is and how cute he was (or 'is' at that point....).

Anyway, we took a few more (read : many) and since too many were suitable for the blog, I could not think of a silly theme. So here are some randoms for you.

Sage, just hangin out.

Straightening him a bit...

Sage, and his friend Porker.

Happy Sage

Sage has Jo's goldfish eyes....

...and Dad's smirk

Sage, getting ready to eat.

I was humming to him and fell asleep with him....

Our Lil' Buddha

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Sage is Trying To Communicate

Here are some vids of us trying to encourage Sage to talk. These are hard to catch on camera, but we are getting better!

Sage speaking....

Sage speaking again...

Sage speaking yet again....

Sage speaking one last time...

It is your guess as good as ours what he is saying, but he sure seems content and we love to hear him Coo!

...Maybe he is saying that he is "Cuuuuute...."

Sage and His Best Friend Dudley, or Dudu

Sage got a package in the mail the other day from some of my friends (thanx Mark and Lisa!) and it was a bear that was cute and soft (just like Sage).

In fact it was so cute and soft that Sage almost did not get it since Mommy wanted it for herself. She even said that Sage would not really care either way for a few months yet anyway and she could get it worked in.....Blasphemy! Course, if Sage gets any games or miniature toys, I will have to 'test' them to make sure they were safe, which is not hypocritical at all!

So I was able to wrestle Dudley away from Mom, but only long enough to get these pictures (Mom calls him Dudu, which I explained to her sounds a lot like "Doo Doo" meaning "poop" but she is a stubborn one and calls it that anyway, saying it is Taiwanese.....). All of the hands you see are of Mom trying to take Dudley back....

Here, mom is reluctant to let Dudley go...

She says that she is only 'adjusting' him, but we all know what she is really doing....

Sage is happy regardless.

Well, not too thrilled....

Hey! Mom! Hands off the Dude!

Whoa! What happened!? Dad?

Oh no! Mean Mommy!

Ok, ok, Daddy got it back...

Now, you and Dudley can have fun!

Meeting Jo's cousin and Sage's Cousin Nini

Jo and her cousin are very close and in fact we go to see her and her family almost every 2 months or so mainly because she is a really good hairdresser and we have our hair cut there, chit chat and mix families. I am close to her 2 kids and we teach the older one at our house a few times a month.

We stopped classes (and haircuts) for awhile though since we were busy but recently they came back for a class and Nini got a chance to hold Sage again.

Sage also looks comfy!

Friday, September 11, 2009

Sage Preps for School

It is the start of a new semester for a lot of kids so Sage asked me to prep him for school when he eventually starts one day. So I helped him out.

Yo! Sage! Wake up! It is time for school!

Come on, I thought you would be more excited!

There ya go...

So here, we go - are you ready?

Ok, ok, You really ARE half-Taiwanese, eh? You can stop the 'peace' sign....now....

So, let's try some questions....

What's your name?

Ok, I see you raising your hand.....yeah, the cute one on the bed - yeah, you - What's your name?

Hey, it's an easy question - what's wrong?
Oh, well we do call you Buddy Bud or Ba Di Di, but your real name is Sage.
Got it?

Ok, great. Now, let's talk about what you want to study. There is......


Yeah, ok, you can go the bathroom....
...in your pants....I will wait.

Feel better?

Thought so. Ok, Mommy or I will take care of that later....

...ok, so as I was saying, there are lots of classes that might interest you like....

Hey! Are you spacing out again? Sage! Your cuteness can not save you all the time you know...

Yes, my lovely son?

You want to know if you can drink more milk now?

Ok, ok, I guess we can talk about school later...

Hey! Stop smirking!