Saturday, December 28, 2013

Xmas Baking with Dad

I am NOT the baker in my extended family; my sister Jen takes that award (literally has taken awards for her creations) and my mom was the inspiration for all of us but they are of a different level.  My philosophy is "Doesn't have to look good to eat!"

So armed with that plus a great helper, Sage and I set off to make Xmas cookies. 

Note: Jo is officially banned from baking in our house for the simple reason that she tends to believe the heresy of "less sugar, less sweet" (which most Taiwanese people tend to preach), with the simple outcome of her cookies tasting like dog biscuits - which Mocha DOES like to eat, by the way.... But to be fair, she makes awesome 'salty' things like lunch and dinner; just not should-be-sweet things.....

Anyway, we are set to go!

Materials ready

Let the stirring commence!

Get the eggs broken...

 ...and pour em in.

Now the fun part of mixing (Dad did most of it since he did not trust Sage's enthusiasm)

Yes, Dad tends to go overboard on the vanilla, so what!

Sage is holding the measuring spoon for me here.

Now onto coloring!  (yeah, looks a bit gross for 'red') We were going for 'lava' but missed it...

Now the plopping begins

And WHA-LAH!  (or you cultured types: Viola!) Told you they do not need to look good!  But the did taste pretty good....Too bad I am trying to lose weight, not gain it....

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