Friday, December 27, 2013

Merry Christmas!

It is Christmas time again!  I'll get right into it.

Jo invited some of her friends over for a pot luck pre Xmas party and even though I could not attend (since I was working), I still managed to later snag some of the good food they brought.  Here are some pics of that taken on our upper floor apartment (which serves as a second living room, classroom, and game room).

It was chilly that day so the candles helped with the ambiance, but not really with warmth...

Sage knows he is getting one of these, but he is not sure which one

Wait, Sage!

Well, now we are on Xmas morning.  Sage got up later than usual since he was a bit sick and when he did notice all those gifts there, he perked up a bit.  We had to wait for Mommy to come back from her TaiChi routine and when she did we allowed him to go into the stocking.  But then Daddy forgot we have to have donuts on Xmas, so he rushed out and went to go buy donuts.  But would'nt you know it? From the movie (on dropshots), Santa comes and gives Sage 2 more presents!  Dad meanwhile hurried back home only to miss Santa.  That makes 2 years in a row Dad missed the Fat Man.  Ah well....everyone was happy....

Anyway, we are all thankful and happy and Sage, at least, made out like a bandit!  That Playdoh container has a LOT more hours left in it I think.  

Best to all!  Have a great rest of the Christmas break / vacation / holiday season!  

And we look forward to a great 2014!

The Asian Angelovich Family

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