Sunday, July 05, 2009

Sage's New Home

We brought Sage home today right after lunch (and his lunch feeding) and we are officially "parents."

I say officially now, since during the stay in the hospital, having a kid seemed cool and exciting, but we were still too frazzled I think to fully comprehend the enormity of something so small....and plus the fact that if we had any problems, a nurse would come and help.

All in all, it seemed like a stay in a strange hotel for 6 days and while not relaxing so much, was not that stressful (for me at least - granted, Jo's situation was a LOT more intense....and draining, not only physically, but mentally. But she is a tough cookie and is going through it like a pro).

BUT NOW WE ARE ON OUR OWN - or so it seems....and that is hammering home the point that we have a heck of a responsibility now.

Sage made the transition well and he got his first glimpse at Taiwan life as we walked to the car and drove home. Then he ended up at these weird people's home and has been enjoying our bedroom's ambiance ever since. I mean, it is nice and cool (but not too cool - for all you worry warts out there), 'romantic' lighting and a 24 hour milk dispensing machine almost right beside him (well, that machine might not agree or like the fact, but that is the truth).

We have a lot to learn and we are looking forward to learning, loving and living with Sage now.... parents!


Oh, and Happy 4th of July to all of you in the States! We had our own little celebration here....

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