Sunday, June 28, 2009

Last Minute Thoughts

Ok, every parent has had his/her time of fretting for the good of the child and I am feeling that more and more now as the clock ticks towards his 0-st birthday.

I feel as if my reason for being 'here' (as in on the earth) is to be a great dad, but in saying that and in realizing that puts a lot of stress on my shoulders. Sure, I breath in and out and think good thoughts, but I still have the doubts and worries if I will live up to 'my' expectations of a good - no great - dad.

I guess we will have to wait and see.

I am so lucky though to have Jo, who will make a great mom, as well as a comfortable home, good friends and good jobs.

Not only will he be pulled into the world kicking and screaming (I hope his lungs are good - they should be, since Jo's voice can be quite loud), but I will also be pulled into another world as well, with much less kicking and screaming (but still a little since our lifestyle will change dramatically).

Anyway, that is the way of it and I am so excited.....

...deep breath....

and here we go!

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