Sunday, June 21, 2009

Another BBQ (while the goings good)

We were lucky to squeeze another quick BBQ into our soon-to-be-VERY-hectic lives, so that is great. Time to relax and eat is always good (and I feel those kinds of times will be coming in short supply soon...)

So here are some pics..

Here, Peter, Jia Yi and myself are making sure the coals are hot and there is enough food on the teeny grill we use. Just to give you an idea of the kind of BBQ we do up here, we have mushrooms and clams wrapped up in the tin foil, have some pork and beef fillets, and some dried tofu (which is much better BBQ'ed up. We also had peppers and onions and a whole host of other veggies. It is not like the kind you see in the States, but much healthier!

We are just relaxing, letting Peter do all the work......

Someone else is very interested in the BBQ as well...although he made out pretty well indeed.

After the first 'round' we decided to take a rest to let things digest, before we started the next 'round.' And what better way to rest than to hang out here, right at sunset?

I still have to finish painting the mountains that our previous tenant started, but that will come in time.

Well, if no one else will rest, I will have know - to save up strength for the upcoming round...

Ah, here we are, getting the night round underway....

And even Mocha is bearing having his ears played with for more morsels....which he got....

And even Jo is tired now and needs to rest up on the sofa we brought up to our 'second' living room.

All in all, a good EAT!

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