Saturday, February 02, 2013

Happy Birthday, Mom!

It is Mom's B-day today so being the cheapy that I am, I wanted to at least let her see the updated pics and vids of Sage, so here we go!

 He still loves to sit and hear/read Paco's Christmas story

 Dad made a dinosaur for bud, which he promptly destroyed (in the vid)

 Hi Line-Up brigade

 His DIY volcano ( or as he says "red tunnnnnnunnooonunooonnoooo = red tunnel")

 Mom and Sage

 He is into cutting many things now - we need to keep an eye out when things are quiet; he's bound to be here....cutting paper - or you know - anything.

He does like his train set!

 He is also into filtering and organizing (dad is proud)

 His finished work, which lasts for a few seconds and he remixes and does it again

Here is Mr. Cutie getting ready to help Dad paint a door.

I remember when I did this with Grampa in the garage!  (course we were using water based, not oil as this was) 

Happy Birthday, Mom!  You are the best!



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