Friday, March 08, 2013

March Pics

It is the best month of the year now, so I thought I would post some more pics.

Things are normal and good; teaching privates is back to normal after the Chinese New Year break and rest time, Jo's classes are getting busier and she is planning a special weekend seminar, Sage is still cute and sassy and we are starting to talk to him more in Chinese as well, and Mocha (you forgot about Mocha, right?) is good too.

So here are some recent pics.


 He did this by himself and was very proud (so were we!)

We are back to a normal reading nook as opposed to our Xmas tree corner (which lasts from early November to the end of Chinese New Year)

 Sage is getting ready for his trip to get a haircut.  We go to Jo's cousin about 40 min away and make a mini adventure out of it to see the kids and all.

Sage's baby cousin

All Set (actually he loves haircuts and can't wait to have one)  

A silly shot of dad

 All done, now onto the best part -

the comfy!

and cute to boot!

You aint touchin my hair!

Oh well, I needed a trim, too

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