Monday, November 01, 2010

Getting Used To Mocha and Misc

We have kept Mocha (our malamute) up in our 'penthouse' apartment / teaching room / second living area for the past year. Previously he was with Jo and I in our apartment, but with the baby coming and his shedding, we decided that it would be best for the majority (dunno about him) if he was upstairs. Actually, we at one point talked about finding another home for him, but decided against it.

For the past few months, we have taken Sage up to see Mocha in spurts to get them both acclimated to each other. My sisters both have big dogs and little kids, but from what I gather, those big dogs are - for the most part - as gentle as lambs with the kids (and that says a lot about the breed and the training). But Mocha, being an excited, happy and jumpy dog, loves to see everything and does not have the wits to know that he may scare someone if he bowls them over (like he has done to other young cousins and friends in the past). Thus, we are trying to get them used to each other in degrees, since basically to Sage, Mocha is a wild stallion (about the same size, too).

Thankfully, Sage is getting used to him and is even letting Mocha lick him or get closer (with mom or me present). Mocha is good, too. I mean, he will never mean to hurt anyone (which makes him a useless watch dog - be we did not want that anyway), but it is a good idea for a little while yet to keep the barriers up and a watchful eye.

However, now, Sage constantly pesters us (me) to bring him up and see 'da', his word for dog (kinda like how Brat Pitt pronounced it in Snatch) and I often oblige him.

Here are some pics and vids of Sage and Mocha.

Hi Mocha!

Hi Mocha!

Here are some vids of Sage playing with a cork....

It's Zerbert Time!

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