Friday, May 14, 2010

10 Months Old, and Loving It!

Sage is getting closer to a year old now, so he is getting more mobile, more active and a heck of a lot cuter. Here are some recent pics that we thought are good.

Enjoy! (we are!)

Our little man...

practicing his zerbert skills

Hey, buddy, you got a fat lip there...

When most people look at Sage while we are out,
he is almost ALWAYS mistaken for a girl.
This pic is one that I can finally say, yeah, there is something
to that...

He likes his collapsable cup

A lot

Did I mention he likes his cup?

I am not sure if this is peek-a-boo, or a sad plea to let him out of his mini prison....

For someone who wants to be on the go, eating now is another jail spell

Look at that mug....

Just look at it!

Mr. Cutie

Yes, a bit feminine....


Big tongue...

I got me a ball!

Hi mom!

Can you tell dad to get out of the picture? I'M the cute one here....

Here he comes!

Yeah! I got me more balls!

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