Tuesday, November 24, 2009

The One Ring to Cute Them All

We did not realize it, but Sage's cuteness power vortex is growing and we could not figure it out until we saw him playing with one of his rings. Thus, we determined that this is the One Ring to Cute Them All and Sage has been sucking its power, trying to harness all that cuteness.

It is dangerous and we are planning to throw it back on the fires of which it was made...

....in a few years....

Here is Sage searching for something, which we could not put our finger on...

He seemed listless and in a dream....

He felt terrible and sad...

...and then...The Ring....came into view.
He was mesmerized.
We thought it was just a simple toy.

We were very wrong.

He beamed with excitement and cuteness...

...until it escaped his grasp.

He searched frantically for it....not knowing why

He was on the verge of tears, when mom, kindhearted soul she is,
gave him back his instrument of power.

We were still unsure of the thing he wielded was of
immense power.

After getting it back, it took a little time for the cuteness
power to set in...

...still waiting....
He has to touch it to become powerful, it seems...

Ah, he breathes a sigh of relief as his
cuteness is restored.

The power of the Ring has a mind of its own, it seems...

He turns, fretting, to mom and dad....

...who by this stage are starting to realize what is happening....

But he calls to the Cute Ring and the Ring allows him to hold it again..

Ah, yes, here it is again..

I am the Lord of the Cute Ring!
Feel my power!

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