So, here are some current shots of Mocha doing what he does best - waiting for food.
And since the best place to get food is near a table, Mocha's spot is under Mom's chair since that is the only chair he was allowed to chew on (much to the chagrin of Dad....).
Another place he can get food (if he is nice), is his "home" which is his cage. All we have to do is say that exciting word, and he is inside immediately, expecting something. Often times, it amounts to a crumb or some teeny leftovers, but he is always hoping.....
That last picture is him trying his best to "Lie Down"
We have also taught him not to eat anything unless we say "Eat!" so we try our best to see how long he can last before there is a puddle of drool on the floor. The longest time is about 15 seconds..... Course, we have purposesly tried to get it longer and longer and once Jo gave him food, said "Stay" and then forgot she gave him anything. After about 3-4 minutes, she turned around and Mocha was still staring holes into the little piece of meat with a little pool of spit right under his mouth. But he did not eat it, so that was good!
Hope you enjoyed the pics!
Jeff & Jo & Mocha
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