After we got married last year, Jo convinced me in pure Machevellian fashion to be the only breadwinner while she stayed home and relaxed. Of course, out of ignorance and love, I agreed. Actually, it worked out pretty well and even Jo was shocked that she kinda liked being .......drumroll...... an actual housewife (since Jo's character is one that feels staying home is like staying in a prison - unlike me).
But all good things must come to an end and today is the first day of her new job. She is bummed.
Actually, the great thing is that it is not a normal job. Since we opened our company and doubled its size recently, we also acquired an office and some workers, so Jo (and all of us in our company) are working for ourselves now. In fact, she is managing the entire part of the children's financial department, and it is bound to be interesting. I, on the other hand am the one who has to create all the materials and - at least for right now - have convinced everyone that I work better at home (so I am at home "working" most days). It is a very different feeling than working for someone else, so that is a motivating factor.
However, I know that even though Jo likes to be out and about and doing challenging things, she really just wants to take more time off and clean our house (which I sincerely try to keep up with....), drink our very good coffee, listen to music and do her Sudoku (which I have absolutely no interest in).
Maybe in the near future, she will get her wish again!
Until then, you may want to send Jo a note to cheer her up!
I have to get back to "working" now.....
Jeff & Jo
Well, the holidays are over and the New Rat Year is finally beginning.
To bring in the new year, Jo's family did what they always do - gamble as much as possible over the holidays. Actually, this is not only Jo's family, it is most Asians. In fact, I will assume that many overseas Chinese also take a few days holiday during the Chinese New Year time and gamble away.
Of course, high stakes gambling is frowned upon, especially since family and friends are playing and winning a large amount from someone often brings large problems, but small stake gambling with friends and family (in the range of NT$10 - NT$50 - or about $.25 to $1.00) is exciting and interesting.
Yes, I am hooked.Basically, there are many ways to take and give money to your family and friends, but the three main ones here (or that we play) are
- Ma Jiang (or Mahjong, Mah Jhong)

- Shee Bala

- Big Ol' Two

I am not going to go into the ins and outs of how to play, since especially for Ma Jiang it is too complicated, but the main point is that after playing with Jo's family for about 15 hours (over a few days), our coffers went up and down like the tides.
And our final tally is that we ended up in the red about NT$20 (or about $.70). At the high point, we were up about NT$400 bucks, but that quickly faded when we started playing Ma Jiang - although I have to give Jo credit - twice at the very last round (of MANY rounds) she got the best situaiton or "Zi Mou" (where you pick the tile that will make the perfect match) and that is when you rake it in. So that was cool.
But damn, Jo's mom is almost 70, but as sharp as a knife and won many times - at everything!
So we consider ourselves lucky to loose only a little bit - the other siblings lost about NT$200 to NT$500 to their mom!
For myself, I had a good run at Shee Ba La - the dice game - where absolutely no skill was required.....sigh....
Anyway, in this year of the Rat, things are looking pretty good!

Best Wishes in the New Year!
Jeff & Jo
I have some time now (due to CNY), so I can post a few more things between computer games and board games.....
So, here are some current shots of Mocha doing what he does best - waiting for food.
And since the best place to get food is near a table, Mocha's spot is under Mom's chair since that is the only chair he was allowed to chew on (much to the chagrin of Dad....).
He has almost bitten through that one leg so I am not allowed to sit on that chair....sigh....Jo is ok, though
Another place he can get food (if he is nice), is his "home" which is his cage. All we have to do is say that exciting word, and he is inside immediately, expecting something. Often times, it amounts to a crumb or some teeny leftovers, but he is always hoping.....

Mean Daddy fooled him again with "rabbit food" (some vegetables) but he ate it all the same and will continue to I assume.
That last picture is him trying his best to "Lie Down"
We have also taught him not to eat anything unless we say "Eat!" so we try our best to see how long he can last before there is a puddle of drool on the floor. The longest time is about 15 seconds..... Course, we have purposesly tried to get it longer and longer and once Jo gave him food, said "Stay" and then forgot she gave him anything. After about 3-4 minutes, she turned around and Mocha was still staring holes into the little piece of meat with a little pool of spit right under his mouth. But he did not eat it, so that was good!
.Hope you enjoyed the pics!
Jeff & Jo & Mocha
We are celebrating the Chinese New Year by resting and eating - just like Xmas holidays back home for most Westerners. Today was our first day off of six, so it should be a good rest break. We both need it since the last month especially has been hectic (course, when has it NOT been hectic....I can't remember).
Anyway, it is just the three of us here since Pei Ying (Jo's neice went back home for the vacation). Just a few hours ago, Jo made a Hot Pot full of simple but tasty and good things to eat for lunch and we were stuffed. However, we plan to eat and snack all vacation (also just like the West), so that is good.
Oh, I just found out that I can not snack so much, due to something called a 'gut'. So I will have to make other arrangements (I have hid some things in the computer room, so I think I am safe for the time being).
Anyway, here are some pics of all of us eating, which will be a common theme for most people here in Taiwan....

Even Mocha was lucky
More posts to come....Have a great CNY or Feb 6th!
Jeff & Jo