Wednesday, November 15, 2006

A Present For Jeff & Jo

At the gathering we had the other day, my group of students/friends also (in addition to wanting to test us - read the previous blog entry) wanted to make a gift for us, which was really cool. Here is a progression of the process.

The table was set and crayons (from the test) were used...

A group pic - something that is very uncommon for Taiwanese to do...
(yeah, right....)

Jo and I had no idea what they were doing since we were busy entertaining other guests
who were - now that I think about it - trying to keep us from looking...

Looks like it is almost for the names of the artists...

Here is the beautiful picture they made for us...
Pretty cool, right?

Was made by first coloring a layer of many colored areas, then a second layer of another group of colors were used. Then they all used chopsticks (go figure) to scrape away to get the design they wanted.

Well, Thank you guys! It looks great and will hang in our house!

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