Unfortunately, I was in charge of the camera and neglected my duty (I was enjoying the scenery too much....). Thus, there are not many pics, but here are some to give you a taste:

are so beautiful! (Sidenote: many people forget how damn beautiful
Taiwan really is...holy cow....just get OUT of the city!)
Here is our picnic grounds. How many people do you see?
Hint: even though most Chinese are super skinny (NOT naming names..Jo)
they are NOT grey colored....
Hint: even though most Chinese are super skinny (NOT naming names..Jo)
they are NOT grey colored....

I had a picnic with skinny trees and I felt Rhino-fat.....
Anyway, it is a nice picture of some vibrant flowers....

The young man on the right helped initiate Jo into WV and they have been
good friends ever since.
Note: that is NOT underwear she is holding, it is cotton/silk from a nearby tree....

Anyway, one of the cool surprises here was that the park basically takes in unwanted dogs and lets them go around the area in a free manner. I was both so happy about this, but also saddened by the terrible fact that too many Taiwanese love "cute" puppies, but dislike dogs when they become an adult - so they literally discard them. I will save my wrath in another post or sometime else, but needless to say, I was happy that these dogs found not a good - but a great home. They are in cages now, but that is because we are on a tour and most Taiwanese are scared of big dogs (since if the dog stands up, they are almost as tall as some Taiwanese! - Heck, I would be a little put off by a dog large enough to best me while standing up...). The owners of the park really love dogs and do their best to take care of them. Many of the dogs bite and are nasty when they arrive - from years of abuse - but the owner said that after a few weeks here, they all change and mellow out.
So cool....

It was hard to continue the tour after seeing these guys....
I stayed much longer than the others....

Such a beautiful fuzzy friend!

casual on a Hammock...I mean, come on....I don't think you are fat enough to break
the damn thing, right? What are you nervous for??? Me, on the other hand.....
So overall a great day and outing.
If you are ever in the area, stop on by!
Jeff & Jo
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