Anyway, in early October we went to look for an engagement ring and rings in general. We decided on a Sunday to go to a mall to 'browse.' Yes, that was the word - I distinctly remember. Now, being a normal guy, it is a fact that we don't 'browse.' We 'buy.' We have a loose idea on what might be a good idea to get and well, we get it - or close to it. In this case I was looking for something that was small, round and able to keep me in debt for a few more months....
Now to be fair, I have sort of learned how to shop (browse) with women. This took practice and time but I think I got it, yet it is a steep learning curve. Basically before, I was the one that was dragged into going shopping, rolling my eyes since I did not have anything to buy, and my ex-girlfriends would always just look for hours, while I usually came out of the damn mall with ten things to their one thing or none at all.
Wait, didn't I say I had nothing to buy? That is true, but I am a MAN. I buy with no reason (just like most women women!). At least I am man enough to admit it....
So we planned to hit 3 mall complexes and take about a week to make a decision. I distinctly remember....
Here is the turn of events that would make Sauron proud....
- We get off my motorcycle and go into the mall.
- We head up to the second floor where all the expensive jewelery is
- There are about 15-20 different counters/companies of differing jewelery
- We look around and start 'browsing.'
- We actually take 5 steps to the second counter (the first sold watches).
- We look - I mean, browse.
- We like some and the saleswoman starts The Dialogue with us (In hindsight - this was Sauron Herself....).
- 15 minutes of 'browsing' here passes.
- We smile and leave, thinking one of them is really nice.
- We take a slow walk around the other counters and actually do browse.
- We are about to leave.
- I say to Jo: "Actually, I really like that first one." (I forgot the first major rule of browsing: Don't buy the first thing you see)
- Jo says: "Me, too." (She obviously forgot as well)
- I say: "Let's get it." (Men buy)
- Jo says: "Ok! Great!" (Who is more foolish - the fool or the fool who follows him?)
- We get it (Sauron continues whispering to me.....and I feel the power surge....)
A very important purchase that took 20 minutes?! Who does Jo think she is? A Guy? Actually, I must admit that this is long, even for a normal guy, so I guess I can cut some slack.
But Damn, it is a nice ring. We both had a gut feeling about it and really did like it when we saw it. Fate? I dunno, but it was fairly easy and painless process (aside from the 'light airy' feeling in my wallet.....), establishing again that we are on the right path.
I will edit in a picture of her engagement ring later.
But now you know how cool Jo is.
Or is that Sauron's murmuring?......
Anyway, it looks great! - Too bad it does not make the wearer invisible....course I guess that is a plus, considering what happened to Golum.....
Jeff & Jo!

The Ring in the Lord of the Rings....
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