Tuesday, October 17, 2006

The Lord of the Engagement Ring

Perhaps I should have written this before I talked about our wedding ceremony, but I did mention that this would not be linear for the next few posts....

Anyway, in early October we went to look for an engagement ring and rings in general. We decided on a Sunday to go to a mall to 'browse.' Yes, that was the word - I distinctly remember. Now, being a normal guy, it is a fact that we don't 'browse.' We 'buy.' We have a loose idea on what might be a good idea to get and well, we get it - or close to it. In this case I was looking for something that was small, round and able to keep me in debt for a few more months....

Now to be fair, I have sort of learned how to shop (browse) with women. This too
k practice and time but I think I got it, yet it is a steep learning curve. Basically before, I was the one that was dragged into going shopping, rolling my eyes since I did not have anything to buy, and my ex-girlfriends would always just look for hours, while I usually came out of the damn mall with ten things to their one thing or none at all.

Wait, didn't I say I had nothing to buy? That is true, but I am a MAN. I buy with no reason (just like most women women!). At least I am man enough to admit it....

So we planned to hit 3 mall complexes and take about a week to make a decision. I distinctly remember....

Here is the turn of events that would make Sauron proud....
  • We get off my motorcycle and go into the mall.
  • We head up to the second floor where all the expensive jewelery is
  • There are about 15-20 different counters/companies of differing jewelery
  • We look around and start 'browsing.'
  • We actually take 5 steps to the second counter (the first sold watches).
  • We look - I mean, browse.
  • We like some and the saleswoman starts The Dialogue with us (In hindsight - this was Sauron Herself....).
  • 15 minutes of 'browsing' here passes.
  • We smile and leave, thinking one of them is really nice.
  • We take a slow walk around the other counters and actually do browse.
  • We are about to leave.
  • I say to Jo: "Actually, I really like that first one." (I forgot the first major rule of browsing: Don't buy the first thing you see)
  • Jo says: "Me, too." (She obviously forgot as well)
  • I say: "Let's get it." (Men buy)
  • Jo says: "Ok! Great!" (Who is more foolish - the fool or the fool who follows him?)
  • We get it (Sauron continues whispering to me.....and I feel the power surge....)

A very important purchase that took 20 minutes?! Who does Jo think she is? A Guy? Actually, I must admit that this is long, even for a normal guy, so I guess I can cut some slack.

But Damn, it is a nice ring. We both had a gut feeling about it and really did like it when we saw it. Fate? I dunno, but it was fairly easy and painless process (aside from the 'light airy' feeling in my wallet.....), establishing again that we are on the right path.

I will edit in a picture of her engagement ring later.

But now you know how cool Jo is.

Or is that Sauron's murmuring?......

Anyway, it looks great! - Too bad it does not make the wearer invisible....course I guess that is a plus, considering what happened to Golum.....

Jeff & Jo!

The Ring in the Lord of the Rings....

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