Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Catching up with Friends

Ok, great - I have laid to rest my apartment story (at least for now). Now onto more important matters!

(Note: if you missed it, it is below the Pics of Sean and Alice's wedding - basically two posts before this one - it took me 2 days to finish writing it....)

I have been extremely fortunate recently to get back in touch with some great friends whom I have not seen in a long time. These meetings have taken place over the last few weeks.

First off are some pics of my good friend Leon. Leon and I have a remarkable number of si
milarities, making us joke that we are spiritual brothers. I have known him for about 6 years through ALE (where almost all of my cool friends came from....) and we have had - without fail - awesome and insightful conversations each time we meet. About anything. It is great to hash around ideas with him and I look forward to his upcoming book, which I have had the honor of reading bits of to both learn from and give constructive critism for (if my thoughts helped I am not sure!). Also, recently, I found out Leon will be a dad soon, so he and Renee will have their hands full! Congrats!

Anyway, Jo and I had a chance to meet Leon up in TPE when we went up to deal with the wedding info.

Drinking some coffee...Yes, I am sure you can see the
similarities of my 'brother', right? Same eyes...same girth....haha

There it is...the important manuscript....a very enlightening read.
Jia Yo! Leon....

Oh, Leon has a great site about Life Coaching and trying to help people achieve their best potential. If you are interested, go to Vikasa!


Also, Jo and I were lucky to meet my friend Mark and his wife Ting Ting a few weeks ago as they are living in Singapore now. I get a call one day asking "Is Jeff there?" in English, even though I used the Chinese "Wei?" to answer the phone. I was shocked to find out it was him, since we had lost contact for about 3 years.

But I met Mark when I first arrived in Taiwan - (sigh!) over 10 years ago. I was teac
hing at ELSI, or Kojen EnglishSchool and he was the head teacher. We bonded immediately and often went out for drinks and betel nut after classes. He showed me around, having lived in TPE for awhile and got me into the culture here. I owe him a lot! He married Ting early on, so I have known her for awhile as well. They left for DC many years ago and after a few emails and phone calls, it was difficult to get back in touch.

Imagine my surprise to learn that they were in Taichung for a few days before heading out to Sinapore - where Mark is now working at a firm that is promoting green energy (methane) to local farmers and companies in the developing world. So he travels a lot. I thought I traveled some, but Mark I believe has seen most of Africa, Asia, Europe and the Americas....However Antarctica is still on a "to-do" list.....

Anyway, Jo and I went over to Feng Jia university with them (which is right near our new apartment) and had some really great tea. Can't wait for another visit or to go visit them in S'pore.

Mark and Ting Ting chilling out...

I can't bear the thought of what our picture looked like 10 years ago!
But here we are again, basically 10 years later....

Did I mention that both Mark and I are VERY lucky? haha

Here is a pretty good pic of us....
Thanx Ting Ting!

Another good one.....
Why is it women are better photographers than men?

Anyway, it was great to see Mark, Ting Ting, and Leon again. We hope to see you all again soon (at our wedding, for one!).

Take care!

Jeff & Jo!

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