Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Sage's Buk

Sage told me he made a book and I thought it was for school, but he said no, it was just something he wanted to do.  So he folded the papers by himself, drew the pictures and came up with a story (diary).

Here is Sage's Book!

 The Author

You can not see it clearly, but at the top is says: Sage's Buk
Then either someone helped him or he found that book is spelled 'Book'

 "One day I was outside playing near a tree...

...and then rain came and the lightning came.

 "And then I sleep in the rainbow house and then I wake up...

 ...out of my bed to get ready to go to school...

I went to a road, with many cars, but I was safe.

 And then I was almost in the school and I was going and then I went in

I was in the school studying and then 'ding ding ding!' I was in the school very hap-py-py!

 And then I 'xia ke' (get out of class) but I was extremely happy and we xia ke, xia ke and I love it!

 And then we went to the 'liu hua ti' (slide) and then I climb, climb, climb on the top and then I came down, and then on the top, came down, on the top, came down...and then I played more with a parachute and it didn't really work, but that's ok.

And then after, we went home (we live on the 7th floor) and I was extremely hungry and then I eat eat eat!

And then I was at home playing a lot (we usually play X-wing on the 8th and 9th floors) and then I went to sleep.

 Good Job!

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