Sunday, July 12, 2015


Sage and I had a good time recently and we were able to scratch our rocket itch (that has been growing recently).

For his birthday, he got a rocket set from the Science Museum.  It was all DIY and we had a blast building the launch pad as well as the rockets. I remember we did some rocket building while back in the States, but we needed vinegar and baking, and while cool, it was a little difficult for Sage to work.  With this set up, all we needed was some water and pumped air.

The first time we tried it (Sage in green shirt), we were stoked and got everything ready. Everything was set but on the very first attempt, the releasing handle broke and we sat there stunned and bummed since that meant we could not work it.  After returning home, we went back to the Museum and they thankfully replaced the piece in a very easy process (I was prepared to buy another set...).

Anyway, we got the part and set out again a few days later (Sage in red) and this time, our attitude was 'it may break again, but let's try it.'  Well it did not break and they went WAY further than we anticipated!  I'm talking about 100's of feet in the air and many meters away.  I was more than impressed and we are looking forward to the next time we can take them out.

Now we realize our main worry - to lose them or have them hit an unsuspecting car our house....but we will take our chances...

Here's the FB page in case you missed it, and you can also see a vid on FB too...

 The stuff

 Ready? Ready!

The Little Guy

Big Boy

We want it to go that way....but the first time we launched it, it went the other way (since it went so high the wind carried it off).

Sage getting things ready

 The Little Guy getting ready

 Sage gets to countdown and launch them...

This one went pretty far!

Sage tried to pump the air in, but it is easier said than done.

 More bubbles; more power!

Almost ready!

Our last flight of the day - and it was a doozie!

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