Friday, March 09, 2012

Early March Pics

 Greeting again.  Here are some pics that have been waiting for upload for a little bit and a few newer ones.  

Here is Sage at his 'desk' (bookshelf turned sideways) busy with playdoh!
He loves to make balls and then squish them into discs

Here he is all decked out again for apple eating 

The evil grin

The goofy grin

The 'normal' grin

Playing with blocks at the art museum

Ready to go

Here he is on Mom's scooter (but he looks cooler on Dad's bike...)
Just some climbing

A little help

Practicing ballet?
Mom and Sage hard at play

He is getting pretty good at the alphabet (and he is a puzzle king these days...)

We got him these dino puzzles and he could do each one pretty well.  Then he decided to mix them all up and try to put all 6 together at once.  He finally was able and now loves to make a mess and do it up.  His favorite is the orange T Rex (of course).


He went to the kitchen, looked down and told Jo: "Ma ma, svn!"  He was dead on.

A little drawing time

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