Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Happy Chinese New Year!

Happy Chinese New Year!

The lunar new year started this past Monday and we are in the Dragon year, which is supposed to be auspicious (and which should be a big year for marriages and births here).  

Jo already feels us to be luckier since she won a bit of money in a lottery ($20 bucks) and is determined that this is a good omen for the entire year.  Whatever fate has in store, it is seemingly off to a good start.  

Things are as usual here; Sage is developing his vocabulary as well as an attitude, Jo is still in full housewife mode (although that may change), and I am still busy.  In fact, I am the busiest I have been in my many years here; I am actually turning away privates now since I am booked up.  I guess word of mouth has spread and my manager has done well....

We don't have many plans for the upcoming year, but we do hope to pay off some loans and such, as well as to commit to saving more for Mr. Sage and the Angelovich clan in general.  Unfortunately we won't plan a trip back to the States this summer (unless the Year of the Dragon really IS auspicious!) but we are already gearing up for a 2013 summer return when Sage will be 4!  Yup, time flies.

Anyway, here are some pics of the recent month.  Pay special attention to Sage's faces - he makes a bunch of interesting ones....

Just hanging out
I love the evil grin face

Sage is quite anal with his blocks....but then again I was too (still am...)

Hard at work

Hard at hat
That is his mime for 'noisy'

Some people say there is an uncanny resemblance of Father and Son.....


I mean..

What are they talking about? I just don't see it...

Balloon fun

Dad, Sage and Banana
Relaxin' coolness

Out on New Years

Mr. Frizzy Hair

Mr. Frizzy Hair says hello
At "Ah Ma" (Grandma's) house

Conveniently "peace" and "the number 2!"

Mr. Suave

Happy New Year, Everyone!

Xin Nien Kuai Le!

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