Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas from Taiwan!

Today is Christmas and that means a fun time for all. We here at the Angelovich homestead in the East wish everyone else a very merry Xmas and a great up and coming New Year - 2011!

Here are some pics leading up to the day and of the day itself.

Ho Ho Ho!

Sage's expectant look...After all, Xmas is coming....

Fun way to pass the time...

Here is Mom's fun way to pass the time, too (stick a stuffed animal in his hood)

Nice going, mom...

Hi, is it still there?


Just make do then.

Still cute..

Oh yeah - Grapes!

Sage's new favorite fruit.

Don't try to take any.

Ah Ha! I will soon eat thee!

Screw the spoon, I go for the mini fork.

Good morning!

Funny face, funny hat

You may be sitting the wrong way, Sage

No? Well, then let's go!

Our good friends Mark and Ting also have a son that is a month older than Sage - Anders. They live in Singapore now, but are back for the holidays. We met up at a park for a bit.

Bubbles are always a hit

Anders has a growth spurt - Sage looks tiny here! haha

But damn cute

Yup, time for a hug

Ooo...are those excavators? Indeed they are. Sage is enthralled with them.

A little walk

Now it is time for a drink, but Sage is hankering for Anders water bottle...

Doing the Jedi mind techniques his father taught him

Getting hot (on Dec 22nd)

Sage from the top

Our improvised art board

Ok, now onto the good stuff - Xmas Eve!

We can open one gift and Sage got some candy that he liked and mom got the two small bobbly heads that someone else was enthralled with....

But now it is Xmas morning! First is the stocking...

...filled with sweets

Sage is impatient...

But waiting is worth it!

Dad, hurry up!

Now, onto the gifts (and yes, this Xmas we took some of his favorite toys and wrapped them in November to have as a surprise. This prolly won't work again, ever, but it was fun to see him react to his own toys...).

Oh, no, he is pissed at being fooled....


(actually, not really, when he gets excited he likes to jump on the couch and throw everything off - but who doesn't?)

Now Mommy got one of her gifts...

And ooo, Tommy Tiger returns!
(his favorite)

Oh, here are some cars...

And here is another art board that speaks, too!
(this one has already gotten a lot of use)

After the carnage....not bad, considering...

Uh oh, he found the bobble heads again. Sage, don't touch that...that is mommy's...


Mommy showing him some tricks

Lemme do it, lemme do it!

We also got him a bunk bed that came on Xmas so he was excited about that as well. We wanted a bunk bed since we can store stuff up on top or have it as another play area. He prolly won't sleep on it so soon, but will get used to it over the next few months.

Now get the mats set...

And the party starts!

Oh yeah!

Overall, a good Xmas!

We wish you all a Merry Christmas and festive season!

Vids are coming later....

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