Wednesday, February 03, 2010

Happy 3rd Anniversary

Happy 3rd Anniversary to us!

It has been 3 years - seems longer - since we agreed to be with each other and start a new life for both of us. We did not really know where we would be at this point, but we are very happy where we are and what we are doing.

Very simply, we went out for a great lunch at our favorite (and ol' Standby) restaurant here and ate til be burst. We brought Sage along with us, which lessened the romance of the mood, but we figure he should come out as well (maybe when he is older, we will splurge on a babysitter). Course that left little time for a picture, so alas, no pic for blog.

Anyway, things are well and we are looking forward to a good Chinese New Year, which is just around the corner.

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