Saturday, December 26, 2009

A Very Merry Xmas Day

Merry Xmas, all!

Here in Gettysburg, we had a great Xmas with all the usual fanfare. Plus, a baby really livens things up, so we all had a good, relaxing day. Hope there are many more to come!

Here are some pics as the day unfolded...

This is the first view of Santa's stash for our Angelovich group this Xmas. Contrary to popular belief, Jeff did NOT want to wake up early, but having jet lag and all, he still got up early - at around 4 am and proceded to write the previous blog entry (to wait for all the slow risers).
Finally, at around 9, all but Sage had gotten up, so we made some great blueberry pancakes and scoffed them down. And NO, I was not pacing, waiting for Sage to wake up....
But finally, he did wake up around 10 and we proceeded to introduce him to our Xmas festivities.

First up was the 'appetizer' of presents - the stockings.

Sage and Jo each had their own one and mine was the one I have used since I was about 10 years old...

Here we are getting ready to jump in...

Sage was remarkably proficient at pulling out his stocking stuffers - and trying each one with his tongue..

He tried the candies (the paper wrapping),

...the stuffed reindeer,

...and more candied things,

I offered moral support on the oranges...

An astute Gramma noticed that Sage had a reindeer on his butt, specifically placed there by mom.

And then onto the main course - Tree presents!
Yes, there was much smiling, drool, and tongue examinations, let alone all the overstimulation, but hell, that is what Xmas is all about, eh?

Course, Sage decided quickly enough that he could do more by being on Dad's lap, than on his stomach...

And, as usual with most young kids, the wrapping paper and boxes were as enthralling as what was in side them.

Sage is our present!

Since I am a big Pooh fan, I hope indeed that Sage will be too. Here Auntie Wendy gave him some cool pooh characters for bathtime and I let him choose which one he wanted to on.


Heck yeah! Good ol Pooh himself! Even though Pooh's head is now all wet and slimy...

Yes, Sage, that is a Jack-in-the-box. You can eat it if you want...

He was eager to drool on both the elf that came out and the box...

Here, Sage is making sure the ribbon is edible...

And finally, as if answering his prayers, Auntie Wendy and Uncle J.E.B. gave Sage an actual chew toy (like for a dog) witih Pooh in it, no less! This has become one of his favorite toys (besides the ribbon).

Here is Sage's stash of righteous gifts, with me reading a book that I loved to read when I was young - Thanx Auntie Jen and Uncle Steve!

Here is our little happy family with the best present we could ask for - Sage.

Gramma and Sage seem happy too!

In fact they all seem happy (Sage is just content to chew and drool)

Merry Xmas!

Merry Xmas Grampa!

Everyone is happy

Merry Xmas Pooh!

Nom Nom Nom...

After a nice lunch, we redressed Sage in his official "First Xmas" onesie and just hung out.

Sage is still peppy with smiles.

Next on the adgenda was home movie time and we got out the old movies of dad as baby himself so Sage and mom can laugh at him. Thaz ok! Baby Dad was pretty funny...

During a break in the festivies, I let him try my root beer, which he seemed to like

as well as the weird sounds that came out of it...

Pretty soon he was buzzed...

...and like a wino asking for more, kept wanting either the booze or the song...

Pretty soon it was evident we were not going to finish the movies.

Since he was toasted....

Man, what a great way to end and relax after a hard day of opening (and drooling on) presents!
Merry Xmas Everyone!

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