Friday, December 25, 2009

Getting back to see Gramma and Grampa

Our trip over the great ocean was much better than we thought and the feeling of stepping into my parent's house in Gettysburg was as happy and relaxing as we had wished.

Here are some shots leading up to Xmas day.

Enjoy and Merry Xmas!

Here we are in Taoyuan, Taiwan waiting for our airplane to head over the great blue ocean.

He doesn't know what he is in for....or does he?

We stayed a night in Japan, so we got a hotel near the Tokyo airport and had a nice sleep and great bath in their nice deep tubs. Here we are the next morning getting ready to make the long trek over (12 hours in the air).

Here is the lil' trooper in his own seat.

Uh, no, sorry Sage, you are in the bassinette....that is MY seat.

AND THEN......
We are home!
We had a great flight - Sage was a dream. He slept most of the way and rarely made a peep. Some people near us were amazed (and thankful, I am sure) that he was so quiet. Course, I did not mention the duct tape covering his mouth....
Course, mom and dad were beat and exhausted (mentally and physically) so we crashed when we got back home after about an hour in the car from the Washington airport.
Of course, Gramma and Grampa were all smiles at seeing Sage (who cares about their son and daughter in law...) and took turns holding the poor guy. But we got back safe and sound and tried to acclimate to the new surroundings.

I got my wish for a white Xmas (very white), since Gettysburg has gotten the most smow in about 10 years this past weekend and is still here (over 1.5 feet). It is getting warmer and nice, so the weather is perfect - clear, cold and fresh. Finally, I can breath and say "ah!"

Sage and Grampa

Who is this woman? Oh, it is Gramma! Hi Gramma!

Should I take the red or green one?

Yeah! I'll take both!

Gramma, Grampa and Gramsage...uh, I mean Sage

Before we could rest, we had some duties we needed to complete. One was to finish the tree, which Gramma and Grampa saved for us to do together.

Looks pretty good!

Sage is still wondering what the heck is going on...

Here is my Gramma's collection of houses that she has collected for awhile and has made into a little village. Jo likes this and is enthralled by it. I told her that this is similar to my geek passion of fantasy dioramas but she just scoffed...
Here is the same village all lit up at night. Beautiful!

Ah, we also needed to see the Fat Man, Santa and make sure we were all on the 'Good' list. Seems that Sage is on it for sure...

So he was happy...

And even Jo seemed to be on it.

Hey, wait a minute, what about me?

Ah well, that's we are outside in the main square in Gettysburg.

Here Sage is sitting in Grampa's own highchair - the chair he used as a boy.

Hi Gramma!

Hey, so when's the food coming?

Here Gramma and Grampa trying to get Sage used to some of their Xmas things.

Yeah! Sage has no idea what it is, but it seems interesting!

Yup, thanx Gramma and Grampa! What do we have next?

Don't worry Sage, there is A LOT more....

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