Sunday, October 05, 2008

Don't Vote

I have purposely stayed away from any political discussions in this blog, since this is not really about my weird opinions or thoughts, but about what is happening in our lives here. However, Jo and I have been having some interesting discussions about the upcoming presidential election in the US and how it will affect our lives, if at all.

Indeed in the long view, it will not really affect things too much (we hope), but by being out of the US, I am able to get a glimpse of many others' opinions who are not US citizens and it really has been interesting to hear a lot of the insights.

That said, I have been becoming much more interested in the election and politics; more than ever before. I am not sure if this has to do with my age or my beliefs or the state of the world / country or what, however, I have become quite excited at the prospect of a change in government (regardless of if it will really do anything practical), and have even let myself get inspired more than usual.

Thus, I have already voted. Since I am out of the country, I have to send in the ballot earlier, so I made sure to do this 2 weeks ago. Sad to say, I did not vote in the Bush/Gore debalicle, but I was determined to this time around.

Anyway, I hope you are planning to vote as well. I have noticed that voting in the US is up from 60%, so that is great. It is still a terrible number to be so low, but I guess that is what feeling inspired will do to you.

There is a video that I thought was interesting as well called: Don't Vote. You may have seen it. If not, check it out!

Also, I have to add this Tina Fey as Palin clip (what was McCain thinking?)

Anyway, here's to November 4th!

Jeff & Jo

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