Friday, July 11, 2008


I am trying to keep a steady head, but a wee part of me is bursting from excitement about having my very first activity book published!

I know that this is not a real 'book' in the literal sense with plots and themes and intriguing characters; in fact, it is only a workbook that students or children will look at and work through, but I am excited all the same!

We published 1000 copies of Tiny Tycoon$: The Complete Money Management Course For Kids! Activity Book 1 today and we hope to use them in our classes and seminars throughout Asia and (ideally) the West as well.

To say this has been a labor of love would be an understatement. I have been concocting this (or hatching?) for about 4 years now and only when Jo helped me organize myself (read: told me to get off my lazy butt) did anything fruitful come to pass. Indeed, this workbook (and many more like it) would never have come to pass without her help and encouragement. I am so lucky to be with someone who can actually help me complete something - anything! haha.......

Thus, we are the proud owners of the first catalyst. I say catalyst since this has awakened in me the need to get my ideas out on paper and to crystalize all the thoughts and ideas that have bubbled in my mind throughout my teaching career (there are many). Now that we actually HAVE something tangible (can you see the joy in my face as I hold the book?) we can start to market and sell these dead trees, ideally to make a difference in how people look at money and manage it.

I am so excited and thank you for taking an interest in this ongoing process!

Any thoughts, ideas or comments (good or bad) would be appreciated!


Jeff & Jo

ps. We are also publishing our board game called: The Money Tree - A Game That Grows You Money! this week as well! Damn! So cool!

pps. We are also
working hard on our website and will get that out as soon as possible!

If the color seems a bit off, this is due to the software that our (skillful) designer uses. The colors are perfectly normal and eye catching - in a good way in real life!

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