Monday, December 31, 2007

New Year's Goals

It is the New Year upon us and while I have never liked New Year Resolutions, I have always been a firm believer in New Year Goal Setting.

Thus, I hope to look back on this and see what actually transpires.

Here are my and Jo's hopes for the upcoming year.

  • I want Jo and I to be the parents of an adorable smart and healthy baby (or babies) by year's end

  • I want Tiny Tycoon$ to be able to thrive beyond our expectations

    • I want to go full time for Tiny Tycoon$ by August, 2008, earning at least double what I am now per month

    • I want to have at least 25 schools using our curriculum by Dec 2008

    • I want my books and games to be an international success through great marketing

      • I want to finish the entire levels of Tiny Tycoon$ by April 15th

      • I want to be able to publish the board game by early May

      • I want to have created at least 4 new board games to compliment the teaching system

    • I want to continue to find the best people for our company, increasing our team's potential

      • I want to find at least 1 other person for marketing and 1 other person for web site design

      • I want to create a passionate team of 2-3 people for game and curriculum development

  • I want to start going to the gym and to get my weight down to 90 kg (198 lbs)

  • I want to end my investment with N company and have my entire capital plus stated profit paid back by my birthday

  • I want to increase my board game collection to over 85 games by year end (50 more)

  • I want to take Mocha out for more walks – at least twice a week


  • Have a successful business, making over $2,000,000 NT by year's end

  • To be healthy and have a healthy baby

  • Have another dog

We shall see!

We hope your New Year is great and has many pleasant surprises!


Jeff & Jo

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Merry Christmas to Everyone!

Merry Xmas All!

Jo and I would like to wish all of you a super bunch of holidays - Christmas, New Year's, Chinese New Year's
- no matter which ones you are currently celebrating, we hope that you are happy, healthy, wealthy and wise, let alone can score lots of presents or red envelopes!

In a Snoopy style Christmas (Jo loves Snoopy):

Jeff and Jo

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Jo's Trek to Taiwan's North Pole

Jo and I love hiking and mountain climbing, but we have very different ideas about what a good trip conists of.

For me, I would prefer to take a few days off work, don my backpack full of stuff, head to the mountain head and start hiking for - oh, say 4-5 hours is good. Then when we get to a nice scenic spot, set up a tent or things and either rest up a bit or make little treks around the campsite. Then head back after filling up with fresh air and great views. Of course, after this trek, you need about 1-2 days recovery to get back in to the working groove....

For Jo and most people in Taiwan, "hiking" is basically a full day of hiking, to rest a few hours, to wake up early enough to watch the sunrise and then hiking to another mountain about a day a
way. Then they return on let's say a Sunday and then go to work on Monday. Basically, I call it masochism, but Jo does seem to think it is 'fun.' Actually, to be fair, she openly says you either LOVE it or you HATE it (with like many things here).

I know I would fall into the HATE it category, but I am eager to test this theory, since I would love to see more of Taiwan.

And in honest truth, Taiwan is such a damn beautiful country that hiking through it would be great (however, I will also openly admit that Jo's stamina is most likely better than mine right now....).

Anyway, Jo recently went to Nan Hu area to hike in for 4 days. Basically, they hiked about 50 hours of the 96 total hours there! And even though exhausted on some parts, she and her group still had energy to take pics and enjoy the scenery (before crashing).

I really wanted to go, but I had Yes. Really. So while Jo hiked around Taiwan's North Pole in early December, I was hard at work on the computer....and such (but we won't get into that).

Here are some pics of her adventure!

Jo is in the Yellow Jacket

Anyway, I can't wait for my own trek to Taiwan's peaks. It may not be the ideal setting for me, but the scenery can't get much better.

Plus, I am a bit of a masochist myself!

Keep on trekkin'

Jeff & Jo