Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Another Teeny Update!

We have another teeny update.....

...actually, I was waiting for Jo to take some pics before I posted and the previous post was going to be this one, but I was just stalling....(I can stall well).

Anyway, we would like to introduce you to our newest family member - Mocha!

Mocha is a 3 month old male Husky that we got from a friend of a friend whose mother had a litter of 9 pups. Jo knew I love Huskies ("Ha Si Chee" in Chinese) and it must have slipped out in conversation awhile ago with a variety of friends. This friend just happened to know the dogs masters and coincedentally saw a tired mother and lots of pups. He thought nothing of it, but then when the woman asked him if he wanted one, to please let her know. He then remembered that I liked Huskies and yesterday afternoon, we went to look, loved what we saw and took home Mocha.

We marked his birthday at April 6th; so another Aries!

As Jo and I were discussing if we really wanted a dog right now, we both were considering many things, but the main thing was that we both love dogs and it will definately make our lives more colorful...heck only in the last few hours, Mocha has added brown and yellow to our lives (in many places!).

Some of Jo's friends (women) all said that getting a dog now is not that good for the baby that everyone is hoping will pop out of Jo sometime soon, but Jo and I dismissed it since we are ready and raising a baby and a dog at the same time should not be TOO hard, right? haha.....anyway, there is NO news on this other topic.....

As for Mocha and his name....we talked about 2 hours about it - sigh.....but we both like the name and the sound and it even matches his colors!

At first, as is the tradition here, a dog's name usually consists of two same sounds and Jo was eager to have "Zai Zai" as his name - which to me sounds like "Lulu" or "Kiki" which I hate....so I said "No." Flat and simple. Then it was my turn to propose one and I love "Kodiak" or "Halifax", but Jo just looked at me and said "No" even flatter and simpler....

Jo: "MiMi"
Jeff: "Come on, that is terrible and a girl's name! No more double same names, please! How about 'Moby'?"
Jo: "Hmmmm, No. 'A Li'"
Jeff: "No. Too Taiwanese. How about 'Keiko'?"
Jo: "That sounds Japanese."
Jeff: It is Japanese, but it sounds cool."
Jo: "No."

....and so on....

Finally, I offered "Mocha" (or "Moka") and we both were silent a moment and nodded our heads. Yup, that is the one.

Mocha seems to be very active and a little dumb - what puppy isn't? - but only after about 15 tries, he now knows how to sit. We will work up from there, slowly. He is quite young, but also quite big and Jo remarked - Damn after 3-4 months, she may not be able to walk with him! Anyway, we both love big dogs, so this is certainly a rather interesting experience!

Oh, we talk to him in English, unless Mom is angry - then the Chinese comes out.....but all his commands will be in English - maybe later we will make him bilingual, but not now......

....Yay! We have a pup!

Here is some info about Huskies and some more!

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